“If no one power can enforce order, our world will suffer from a global deficit” Klaus Schwab
I get it!
Some of you reading the paper right now could care less about the political nature of this pandemic. All you want is for things to go back to normal. I am sure that you are sick and tired of going on social media, and seeing something new about this COVID-19 pandemic. It is enough to drive you mad and make you want to bury your head in the sand.
The sad thing about that is; we are not going back to normal. Regardless of whether you get the vaccine that they plan to roll out early next year, the world as you have known it is over, and what is being ushered in must be understood whether you want to accept it or not.
I want to take a moment to address two ways of thinking that have evolved throughout this debacle: the conspiracy theorist, and the complicity theorist. One cannot be considered right or wrong, but it is better to overstand how someone looks at life; this way you can find a way to communicate with them without it turning into a “You’re right,” and “You’re wrong,” argument.
First, let’s deal with the more popular frame of thought; the person labelled a conspiracy theorist. A conspiracy theorist is someone who believes in a conspiracy theory (the idea that an event or situation is the result of a secret plan made by powerful people, Cambridge Dictionary). Some infamous people labelled as conspiracy theorists are: David Icke, Dr Buttar, Alex Jones, Del Bigtree, and Jesse Ventura.
Let’s move on to the second frame of thought; the person labelled a complicity theorist. A complicity theorist is someone who accepts the political narrative of the day unquestionably, and consumes mainstream media like it was 1980. They are prone to submissiveness, outbursts of irrational fear, and public shaming of free thinkers (Urban Dictionary).
Again, I want to distinguish between the two frames of thought so that when reading this, you are able to identify how you view the world. It is important, especially during this time, to have a firm innerstanding about who you are, how you feel, and how you perceive the world. Now that we have reviewed the two frames of thought, it is time to jump into a topic that has become popular in alternative, and mainstream media; The Great Reset.
“We have a golden opportunity to seize something good from this crisis — its unprecedented shockwaves may well make people more receptive to big visions of change. It is an opportunity we have never had before and may never have again.” Prince Charles
If you are an advent watcher of mainstream media, you may have heard the phrases, “Build back better” and “The new normal” from the mouths of leaders worldwide. If these phrases do not ring a bell, I would suggest you watch, “The Awakening World Truth Summit” video on MyTCNTV Network.
These phrases are all speaking about a concept that is not new, but has been re-branded and marketed by the global elite to advertise what is known as, “The Great Reset.” The people did not elect these elite groups, but yet they seem to have a heavy influence on how we live our lives.
The Great Reset is a plan that was set out in the book written by Klaus Schwab. It outlines a vision of the public consenting to a new dictated style of governance in the sake of saving the planet and for personal safety. This system is being promoted as the only way that humanity will be able to move forward without conflict or plague. It is also being promoted as the “Fourth Industrial Revolution.”
Klaus Schwab is Founder and Chairman of The World Economic Forum and is at the forefront of the Great Reset plan and marketing campaign. Klaus has partnered with many elite and influential people worldwide. The World Economic Forum’s annual conference in Davos Switzerland sees over 2,000 of the richest and powerful people on the planet.
Large corporations including: Apple, Microsoft, AstraZeneca and Bayer have partnered with the World Economic Forum. Bill Gates is also a huge contributor to this great reset. His money and foundation is spread across various aspects including the live simulation of the COVID-19 pandemic, Event 201. If you are not familiar with what Event 201 is, I would also recommend you read my article “What is Event 201, and why should we as a community know about it?” It will clarify exactly how Bill Gates is involved with the creation of this new system.
In the book (COVID-19: The Great Reset, 2020), Klaus Schwab speaks to the fact that the COVID-19 lockdowns may be gradually easing, but anxiety about the world’s social and economic future is intensifying. He explains that there is good reason to worry: a sharp economic downturn has begun (thanks to the pandemic), and that we could be facing a depression much worse than the one experienced in the 1930’s.
According to Klaus, in order to achieve a better outcome, the world must act jointly and swiftly to revamp all aspects of our societies and economies. Every country must participate, and every industry must be transformed. In short, he believes that we need a “Great Reset,” in order to bounce back from our current situation.
The vision for the Great Reset is actually not a reset but a transformation from: democracy, ownership, individuality and freedom of speech, to a system of total control dictated by a central government and monitored via: AI, digital, and biometrical surveillance.
This plan is so grand, and every detail has been so thought out, it’s hard to even get into the depths of all that is taking place and all that is involved in bringing this “reset” into fruition.
The Great Reset is being implemented worldwide, most directly through the COVID-19 pandemic plan. Leaders around the world including: Justin Trudeau, Prince Charles, Boris Johnson, Joe Biden, Donald Trump have all been using the phrases “Build back better,” “Reset,” and “New normal” when addressing the public to market this Global Reset on a united front.
There is an urgent need for global stakeholders to cooperate in simultaneously managing the direct consequences of the COVID-19 crisis. To improve the state of the world, the World Economic Forum is starting the Great Reset Initiative.” (www.weforum.org/great-reset/)
The elite are using the pandemic to usher in a new way to control the population. They are using a fear-based system in order to get the general public to give up their rights for the sake of order under a one world governing structure. The elite have a financial stake in the creation and the outcome of the pandemic. It is unfortunate that we the people are only pawns in this game.
This is transforming our current natural system, which still recognizes democracy, individual rights and sovereignty to one that socializes and tries to eliminate individual rights and freedoms. The Great Reset is the elimination of privacy, less individuality, and less freedom if any is left at the end of this world transformation.
The Awakening World Truth Summit – First Speaker Announcement
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We, as humans are guaranteed certain things in life: stressors, taxes, bills and death are the first thoughts that pop to mind. It is not uncommon that many people find a hard time dealing with these daily life stressors, and at times will find themselves losing control over their lives. Simone Jennifer Smith’s great passion is using the gifts that have been given to her, to help educate her clients on how to live meaningful lives. The Hear to Help Team consists of powerfully motivated individuals, who like Simone, see that there is a need in this world; a need for real connection. As the founder and Director of Hear 2 Help, Simone leads a team that goes out into the community day to day, servicing families with their educational, legal and mental health needs.Her dedication shows in her Toronto Caribbean newspaper articles, and in her role as a host on the TCN TV Network.