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There is a trend in Canada showing the Crown’s lack of determination to punish violent crime



Photo Credit: Kindel Media


Recently a man entered a restaurant in Milton with his service dog present. Millions Restaurant in Milton has allowed service animals into its premises for quite some time. The owner Dionisios Gianopoulos told CTV that they were in the business to feed their clients, not drive them away.

Justin Leckie, with his dog, sat in the restaurant waiting to be served. Two men, who demanded to see the dog’s papers proving it was a service dog, approached them. The three men had words, and Justin, feeling he did not need to prove his dog was a service dog, refused to leave the restaurant once the two men asked him too. These two men forced him out of the restaurant in a very forceful, violent manner. The two men assaulted Justin.

What did the Crown do in resolution to this fiasco? The two men donated $3,000.00 to a charity, wrote an apology for their misunderstood actions. That is it! Seems like the Crown had better things to do, but this video-taped assault did not meet their idea of a violent act, nor did it deserve a serious punishment for those two ruffians.

There is a trend in Canada showing the Crown’s lack of determination to punish violent crime. If a Black man mouths off to a police officer, the police have no problem taking them in, if they are lucky enough not being shot. The wealthy are invited to the police station or their lawyer’s office while the average working blue-collar worker, or disabled person faces violence, and then the Crown ignores the violated victim, while concentrating on the perpetrator’s rehabilitation and future.

The two men mentioned were young people, so the Crown decided they did not need criminal records. The courts being so very busy and backlogged, why take this obvious assault to court? After all, the victim gets an apology and maybe a free meal. All is well in Canada, right?

No way. Murderers, who claim to be mentally ill, get off with a slap on the hand. A few months in a hospital, halfway house and home again. The Crown may even relocate the criminal because they are too well known in their hometowns, or people do not want them to be their neighbours. What do victims get? Not much at all. Since the administration of Pierre Trudeau, the rehabilitation of criminals has been more important than justified revenge, justice and recompense to the victim. This pampering of the criminal continues to this day. Now a criminal’s social, racial and health issues reflect in the criminal penalties they receive.

Many of our Black, Aboriginal and minority communities look for equality before the courts, yet this justice goes one way. Violence seemingly does not matter in the crimes being committed. Also, if the prisons are full, those committing crimes can receive lesser penalties. Senior citizens are victimized, yet the perpetrators of these crimes seemingly get off easy. In America, where many prisons are privately run, hundreds of prisoners can find themselves released earlier than their charges required. No room in the prison or halfway house. So much for equal justice applied.

Respect for the political, police and judicial authorities need to be earned. The protection of our fellow citizens is primary, and essential. Criminals must be punished, feeling the true power of society’s displeasure for their actions. Criminals are to be rehabilitated, yet the victims, what of them? They must often face their own rehabilitation from the crimes perpetrated upon them on their own, or with the support of family and friends.

You may ask what is needed here?

  • Violent Crimes, and those where weapons are used must face severe charges and penalties, with little or no parole allowed. If you kill someone, inside you must stay.
  • Victims must receive every effort to assist them, whether that is hospitalization, mental health assistance, counselling and money too.
  • Victims need satisfaction, to believe that justice is fully served, and that criminals once caught, are responsibly punished.
  • A truly felt punishment is needed for those who commit crimes, so they will at least think twice about committing crimes again.
  • Habitual criminals like those charged a dozen times for DUI, or robbery must be treated as a danger to society and incarcerated indefinitely.  Treat them as addicts if you like, mentally unable to live and work in society.
  • Immigration services must do a better job investigating those claiming refugee or immigration status. If they are criminals in their homeland, they must be deported.

By the way, the man assaulted in the restaurant mentioned above lives with Aspergers, and his dog is a comfort support animal. Those two assaulting ruffians should be charged with assault and human rights charges. Everyone has a right to participate in our society, no matter his or her mental, physical or social condition. Justin’s dog Epi experienced over 400 and 700 hours of training. Perhaps the two men who assaulted him should also receive training in how to be good, helpful and sociable citizens. What do you think?

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