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Those who rule Canada don’t care a bit; make them care!



Photo by micheile henderson


Just got back from my weekly visit to the local Metro grocery. As I walked the aisles my head began to shake. The prices have increased quite a bit since October. Some very significantly. I feel uncomfortable with the fact that I became angry, upset and concerned about what the state of my family’s finances are going to look like come the new year.

Cannot buy a used car if your life depended upon it, and if you could it will cost yah. The price of new vehicles is just out of this world, and EV vehicles are totally out there financially.

Food continues to increase in cost, but if you can live on cereal, or candy you could make it through the week.

Services you once depended upon have become secondary to your primary needs.

The cost of living is crushing us, as we continue in this horrid routine called a worker’s life in Canada.

Years ago, a group of dissatisfied Canadians camped in front of the Parliament Building in Ottawa. This convoy of grievances and distrust of all things government directed the attention of Canadians and other nations to consider their message, a message expressed simply as “Freedom,” but meaning a whole lot more.

At the time many of us saw a circus in Ottawa, one in front of the Legislature and the other within. These average Canadians, mostly of the worker classes, meant to say they were sick and tired of being told what to do by officials who truly did not have any idea what to do, who spoke in riddles instead of the brutal truth for all to hear. The Legislature turned these Canadians into fiends, troublemakers and potential domestic terrorists. To this day, the Federal Government continues to persecute many of these people, your neighbors, and for what? Speaking their minds, a right Canada gives its citizens, and also for not doing what the officialdom demanded.

It is my belief, and hopefully the belief of others that what happened in Ottawa should happen in front of every Provincial Legislature in the land. The leaders elected freely, who most often do not consider our needs until a year before an upcoming election.

I hope you have realized that our society is split into classes, much like India has its Caste System: upper class, high middle class, working middle class, working class (most of us), and the have-nots.

Yah, it’s been around for centuries, but the media and those who own much of the media have created a notion that we are all one people, one society, one want and one need. Nothing further from the truth my friends. From the bottom up to the high middle class, it can be seen who pays the bills, the taxes that keep the lights on in Ottawa. The upper class pays little taxes since they send most of the loot to offshore accounts our government cannot get its hands onto, yet much that is owned in: land, property, banks, trust firms and financial services are owned by 1-2% of the nation. The guy, big brother, the boss of all things financial. We do not control them, but they manipulate and control us.

Why is housing so limited and so costly? If you own a property in high class Rosedale, and you wish to sell it, would you want to compete with lower cost housing. Compete, hell no! The developing and real estate sectors have been in cahoots with the upper class, deliberately limiting the building and offering of well-priced and competitive homes.

The Police protect property, often the property of the upper class. Limit the hiring of police through manipulation of budgets, and if we are assaulted, we wait a while, while some dog in Rosedale gets hit by a car and three cruisers show up. Who sits at the seat of the Police Service Board, but wealthy folk. Certainly not you, you and you. The working person is nothing but an inconvenience to the police, the upper-class jackboots.

Trillions of dollars leak to other parts of the world, wealth beyond our imaginations transferred from bank to bank hiding the upper classes’ wealth. Not even the Federal government knows what is going where and sent by whom! Our financial system works against the working classes, through government regulatory management. We have to spend our entire lives saving the limited funds we have to save 10% deposits for a house we cannot afford.

Transportation is driving the working class to bankruptcy. The railway has become ignored as it remains the most cost effective and green form of transport. Workers are being forced to buy EV Vehicles, which is costly to purchase (will remain so) and very costly to repair. So, we have the bus, transit, and flying as ways to travel daily. Or we can do what all workers have done for centuries, WALK! Gas prices are putting the working person in a situation of deciding to buy food, or gas so they can go to work.

Education remains a weak form of societal advancement, especially for the working person. Do these higher educational centers offer real possibilities to get a good paying permanent job? Universities continue to attract wealthy students from foreign lands, but find a place for them to stay? Never said the upper class was wise, or intelligent. Did you know that 65% of the upper class inherited their wealth. It’s like welfare for the wealthy. Born in the right family unit, I guess. The cost of education will continue to grow, but most working-class people have not had an increase in their wages for a very long time.

Healthcare will continue to increase its costs and prices, introducing 2-3 tier healthcare systems. One for the wealthy, one for the business class and what’s left the working class gets to endure. Staffing in hospitals continues to increase with green staffers, inexperienced. Experienced staffers and professionals will transfer to the other healthcare tiers. Private health insurance will become much more important in the future. Americanization of our healthcare system cannot be stopped. Profits are what is truly expected in: Ontario, Alberta and other provinces.

Medical Assisted Dying (MAID) is becoming more accepted and easier to participate in. If you think housing is truly limited, think about senior homes and long-term homes. There is a waiting list of many years, but only for the working person, not the rich. You work all your life, maybe pay off your mortgage and retire a broken person. Many of us workers did not take care of ourselves when we were young and invincible. Try to find a senior home you can afford? Using MAID may become a retirement plan after all.

Essential workers have been willingly exploited by the provincial government in Canada. Paid little for their determined service. Once a worker asks for more, the government sends it flowers and encouraging words, BUT NOTHING MORE!

The worker, whether a cleaner of the street, brick maker or essential working nurse assistant has become a SLAVE to their jobs, and they need money to survive in this economy. The upper class knows this and manipulates with no accountability.

A while back, transport drivers decided to go to Ottawa and protest a great deal to their elected leaders. They became a symbol to many in Canada, France and globally too. An entire generation of workers, that is blue and white collar alike, find themselves enslaved to a financial and economic system that does not care for them a lick. So, what do you do when you’re enslaved? You: protest, revolt, rebel, shout like never before, raise your voices and your fists, because those who rule Canada don’t care a bit. MAKE THEM CARE!

The upper class has its hands in all things Canadian, like a giant ravenous monster, eager to consume what opposes it. Bring your young and old, for this fight is for them as it is for the workers of Canada.

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