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The Poetic Word

Tis The Season




The season to be jolly is near!

Families gather to rejoice and celebrate,

A feast of laughter and love fills the air!


A time where children jumps for joy 

As schools close,

Even grown folks act childlike 

For snowmen and snowball fights!


Hot cocoa and eggnog made fresh from

The pot!

Gingerbread houses and sugar cookies fill up homes, 

Rum cakes and sorrel finishes as soon as it’s on sight!


A time for festive behaviour,

Movie nights and cookouts all the time

A time to spend with one another

A time to be grateful,

Just please be mindful

Of those that may not enjoy this time!


For those who lost

Loved ones and holidays feel empty,

We hear and love you!

For those who don’t believe for personal reasons,

It’s okay

We got you!

For those who have to deal with

Not-so-nice family,

We welcome you

With our homes, arms or whatever it takes 

To support you!


For those out in the cold,

May we provide

Not for likes or brownie points,

But just compassion

To see you well,

Just tell us how 

We won’t ask why


For those behind those walls,

We stand with you!

May letters and calls go beyond your fill

And memorable care packages bring out 

Your smiles

And your mind 

Outside the cells!

May you continue to better yourself

And continue to do right

Loved ones are patiently praying 

And strangers who will stand by your side! 


For those with reasons kept hidden

Just know you don’t have to utter a word

May peace, hope and joy overflows your cup,

And attentive ears are on standby 

Whenever you want to be heard!


This is the season to be jolly,

This the season to be mindful 

Because holidays may not feel the same 

For everybody


Respect one another 

For our uniqueness,

And we shall get

Through the season in harmony! 

The Poetic Word

Letter to the Babies




Dear children,

Please don’t rush to grow up.

Enjoy every single moment of your peace

Free from troubles,

Like the saplings that have patience to outgrow

The forest beds into the canopy

When it is their time.


Sweet babies

Value every second of playing,

Ignore negative remarks.

Attempting to quicken the pace of growing

Up, into a world that

Doesn’t want innocence to be the focus.


Lessons will learn in time,

In its own pace,

Milestones will be reach just at the nick of



No need to compare how fast or slow,

All shall be accomplished in fate.

Please enjoy your youth

Little ones.


Life will not halt or rewind,

Expanding like the stars we cannot see

With naked eyes.


Memories are like snowflakes

Unique to individuals,

Sometimes aging will make them melt

Before you can relish their designs.


Little ones

Don’t rush to grow up.

Enjoy the carefree world

Before reality strikes.

Youthful laughters are the medicine

During harsher times.

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The Poetic Word

Healing Medicines




The drums and songs have saved

Generations from the turmoils of

Cursed Lands filled with lost souls.


Where decisions were made by choice

Or wrongful convictions, or ones filled

In the spirit of necessities.


Where they are laid to rest

Behind walls that would label them

For eternity as the enemy.


Only for the potential threats

Of good medicines to be taken away

By those whose intention and beliefs

May hinder restorative practices,

Only promoting punishments.


A tear equates to a thousand leaks

From any vessel that grips to the speck

Of redemption.


To be heard

To be seen.

While some only see it as cuts to keep

Pockets well fed

Could be the only thing that keeps

One’s sanity, within a limbo

A foot in this realm

Another foot wanting to exit to find peace

In the next.


How many more waterfalls does it need

To drench up the concrete jungle

Known as society to take a glimpse.

The greed of reductions to save pennies

Will cost humanity more

But it’ll be too late once everything

That was taken for granted

Disappears and is gone.


For the women in Edmonton Institution that have been facing refusals for being able to play on the big drum. There are folks out here that stand with you all.

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The Poetic Word

A Time For Goodbyes




Like eaglets preparing to fly

Outgrowing the nest and its parents,

There is always a time

To say goodbye.


Like bear cubs learning to hunt, fish

Forage and scavenge.

Fending off danger on their own,

There is always a time

To say goodbye.


Like a baby leaving the comfort of the womb,

Praying for a peaceful transition from a child

To adulthood.

To witness the world from different perspectives,

Innocence is not a guarantee with age.


Even with luck

The terrors of the world will soak

And force eyes to open.

No one is safe.

Saying goodbyes to life as we know it,

For the times this world will continue to evolve.

Languages and cultures will continue to fight to exist,

Extinction of ancestral knowledge

Is always around the corner.


Newer generations are passed down the torch

Only they know what they can add and subtract from traditions.

Welcoming and goodbyes to what works in a society

Without destroying generations of knowledge and spiritual wealth.


Saying goodbyes to grief-stricken realities

Relearning to have a childlike faith.

Saying goodbyes to hesitation,

No more being afraid.

Goodbyes and let go

It is not always a bad thing.

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