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Top five ways to be selflessly, selfish; Discussion with an inquisitive mom




It’s a brand new year and the holidays have wound down. It’s time to get back into the swing of things: back to work, back to school, back to lockdown madness.

The past year has really shaken the world up and I think we are all feeling a little on edge. It’s easy to get caught up in the daily Rona stats and regulations that are being spewed out and regurgitated by mainstream media and government officials. This could be causing a lot of unnecessary stress, and you could be wearing your immunity thin by keeping your body in defence mode all of the time, especially if you are wearing a mask daily.

I’m no doctor, just a very inquisitive mom and entrepreneur who has taken a special interest in God, the natural world and truth. We don’t realize it, but our bodies are working really hard for us every day and we often push self-care to the side as if we are just machines that are unbreakable. Many people don’t give a second thought to what’s in the food they are eating or how their lifestyles are affecting their health.

Last year we were told to “Protect others.“ This year I’m saying “Protect yourself.”  Now, I’m not saying go out there and be a donkeys butthole (if you know what I mean), I’m just saying treat yourself like you are created in the image of the energy that has created you.

If you met God today in the flesh would you offer God GMO McDonalds, or the most clean decadent meal you could create? Respect yourself enough to give yourself only the best no matter who says you’re selfish. You cannot abuse your mind and body and expect it to perform at its greatest. If you are a parent how can you care for your family if you are not well? Health is not wearing a mask and being injected with a magic potion. Health is a balancing of your mind, body and soul and for some reason our government officials don’t seem to be taking that into account in their measures.

Many find it difficult to stay healthy with the bombardment of things we go through on the day to day, which is understandable. That is why we have to change our mindset to understand that we are all worth the cleanest food on the earth. We deserve to spend time doing things we love, and we are made to share experiences with each other and build relationships. If you don’t treat yourself well why would others treat you well? You must lead by example, treat yourself well and see how others start treating you better soon after.

So let’s get into the nitty gritty. Let’s be a little selfish. How about I tell you how selfish I am so that you can get the gist of what I’m saying, and hopefully find your inner selfless, selfishness.

I’m so selfish that I eat 90% organic food because I know I deserve the cleanest healthiest food this earth has to offer. I’m so selfish, I quit my job because I know I’m worth more than spending my days somewhere doing something that makes me unhappy. I’m so selfish, I travelled during the Plandemic to see a loved one which made me so happy and filled with joy.

Now you can be mad at me and that’s fine. “Haters gonna hate,” is all I can say to that. Or, you can say damn; you know what? Maybe I should start taking care of myself and doing “me” a little more too!

Many of you out there are great people that work hard every day providing for your family, but you have no clue how to take care of yourself. This is the real pandemic that the world needs to heal from.

For those of you who need help in the self care department, I’ve created a short list of my top five ways to be “selflessly, selfish” that anyone can use to improve their wellbeing and happiness.

  1. Turn off the TV and radio. Try to avoid all media for at least thirty days. Make playlists of your favourite songs for when you are in your car, or put on a motivational talk from your favourite online mentor. Watch movies, documentaries, DIY projects, read, take a trip and hang out with friends and family. Watch or do only things you enjoy and that can stimulate your mind.
  2. Eat clean food and drink chemical free water. Our food and water are laced with many chemicals that are claimed to be safe but many studies and physical effects have shown us otherwise. Organic food is not just the cool new fad, it is you giving yourself and God the respect you deserve, because not only are you supporting your own health, but also you are supporting the health of the earth. Your health should come first and it starts with clean food.
  3. Write down what you are thankful for and what your goals are every day. This sounds cheesy or cliche but it honestly helps to put your thoughts and ideas into perspective and can help you release some built up anxiety. This exercise also allows you to see what’s true and real in your life and helps you to focus your energy on those great things in your life that bring you happiness.
  4. Be prepared and take responsibility for yourself. Creating your own security support system can be very empowering. Find information and make informed decisions with your heart and not what the TV tells you to do. Observe and critically think based on your own observations and instincts. Create security by knowing where your food and necessities come from (and I’m not talking about Walmart) so that in an emergency situation (like if all stores get locked down) you will still have access to what you need.
  5. Do what you love, find your passion and work at it no matter what age you are. We all have a special gift in this world and we should all be celebrating that even if we have to celebrate alone for a time. You have to think of what you want your life to be about and live that way so that it actually happens.

It can be hard at first to give yourself so much attention but I can promise the reward of raising your standards is a blessing like no other. Understanding yourself and treating yourself to only the best can be a real life changer. Living consciously connects you to this earth and universal energy with an ease and piece of mind that no one can create but you.

Making changes in your life starts with the decision to let go of fears and explore your truth. Sometimes we just need a little support on our journey to keep the happiness momentum going.

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You get vaccinated, get Myocarditis, and then have a ticking time bomb in your chest




According to a new peer-reviewed study funded by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), sixty per cent of young people who were hospitalized with Myocarditis after receiving an mRNA COVID-19 vaccine still showed signs of this disease six months after being injected.

Some 307 out of 333 patients they started with had their health data collected from April 2021 to November 2022. The time between injection and follow-up varied, with a median of 178 days, almost six months.

What is worse is the study authors are said to be making fun of the seriousness of the findings. They are calling the results reassuring and describing these cases of Myocarditis as mild.

Who are these study authors? Why are they acting so recklessly? Critics said that some of those study authors who published their report in The Lancet on September 6th, 2024, also have ties to the government and the big drug companies that may have influenced the research.

One such person is lead author Dr Supriya S. Jain, a pediatric cardiologist and researcher at Maria Fareri Children’s Hospital in Valhalla, New York. Daniel O’Conner of Trial Site News criticized the FDA as the study’s funder. “The FDA is not keeping up with its tradition of ‘patient safety first,’” he said.

O’Conner said he believes the outcome is much more severe than is reported, and The FDA study authors do not have the urgency they should, given the vulnerabilities of the population.

Chief Scientific Officer of The Children’s Health Defense Brian Hooker agreed, saying he was “disgusted” by the study authors’ downplaying of cardiac harm caused by the COVID-19 mRNA injections. Hooker is quoted as saying, “You get vaccinated, get Myocarditis, and then have a ticking time bomb in your chest for the rest of your life.”

Some of the most vital questions here concerning these injected youths, and the injected population is “What happens as they age?” or “Where do they go from here?”

It is important to know that medical researchers have pointed out that studies show Myocarditis can be life-threatening and can also cause critical changes and scarring of the heart.

“I don’t feel that any incidence of vaccine-induced Myocarditis is reassuring,” Heather Ray, a science and research analyst with CHD told a reputable news source. “Additionally, we have all witnessed several anecdotal, or personal reports of individuals who died from vaccine-induced cardiac issues over the past four years.”

Dr Peter McCullough said, as a cardiologist, he was “Greatly concerned,” that COVID-19 vaccine heart damage in most of the young people studied had not resolved at the time of follow-up. McCullough said that he disagreed with the author’s reports calling this finding mild, “Even small areas of damage invisible to cardiac MRI could put vaccine recipients at risk for a future cardiac arrest.”

It is amazing that with all these findings and recommendations to date, COVID mRNA Injections are still very intentionally and maliciously pushed on the population quietly worldwide, this is especially true here in Canada.

It may interest readers to know that the same people behind these mRNA injections in the Western world have decided to look at Africans as lab rats too. The World Health Organization has approved so-called mpox injections for use in adults and said it can be used for: babies, children, teens, and pregnant women in Africa.

Brian Hooker called the WHO’s approval of the shot for infants and children in Africa “A train wreck in the making.”

Recently here in Canada, Global News is now warning that the CDC is telling folks that COVID injections, and heart inflammation issues between injected teens are related. This is something that Toronto Caribbean Newspaper has been warning Canadians about for years now.

Again, Global News has reported, “Myocarditis is noted by the Canadian Pediatric Society as a possible side effect of mRNA injections.”

Now more than ever it is vital that folks think for themselves and quit relying on compromised professionals who are in positions of power but are wolves in sheep’s clothing working for Big Pharma.

A rule of thumb is to question everything because history has shown that liars usually suffer from short memory.

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New course launched that counters narratives and understands Black children’s humanity




The launch of the new course “Black Childhoods in Canada” in the School of Early Childhood Studies at Toronto Metropolitan University is positive and encouraging. Details of the launch of this groundbreaking course were revealed in a post by Clara Wong on May 8th, 2024. For many students it will be the first time formally studying Black experiences; encountering Black scholarship, or even being taught by a Black professor. It was introduced in the winter term of 2024 and was one of the first courses in TMU’s Black Studies minor, which is offered by the Faculty of Community Services.

The course is coded as “CLD540” and details of its content are noted.

“An introduction to Black Canadian Studies in the context of childhoods. Childhoods are considered via Black feminism, Black studies, anti-racism, and de-colonial theoretical and practical frameworks and pedagogy. Students engage in a range of textual, experiential and multi-modal learning opportunities.”

Some of the topics covered include:

  • Black acts and media
  • Black Canadian histories
  • Black families and mothering
  • Black girlhood
  • Blackness and disability
  • Blackness and ECEC and education
  • Black play
  • Black queer activism
  • Global anti-Black racism

Professor Rachel Berman was inspired to enlarge the Black studies content in early childhood studies and reached out to her colleague, Janelle Brady to collaborate on the development of the course. This was financed through the Faculty of Community Services Anti-Black Racism Curriculum Development Fund, which ensured that it was ready.

Professor Berman states, “I’m thrilled now to see the course come to life. It’s long overdue. There’s a deficit assumption about Black children-that Black boys make trouble during play, or that Black girls are made to seem more mature than they are. We need to counter those narratives and understand Black children’s humanity.”

Professor Brady notes, “The course doesn’t resolve everything, but it’s a start in breaking the ‘preschool-to-prison’ pipeline for Black children.”

She observed further that the impact of teaching the course has influenced her greatly. She adds, “It motivated me to do even more and seek more resources. There were so many informal discussions among students inside and outside of class. There’s a real hunger for spaces like this. It was inspiring to see how much students are already engaged in anti-Black racism work, and I feel I was learning just as much as they were.”

There are many testimonials from students who have been enrolled in this extraordinary course. Faizi Ali, an undergraduate student in the early childhood studies program states, “Any forum that allows Black students to lift their voice is cause for celebration. The course provides so much space for us to exchange ideas and thoughtful dialogue. I’ve gained many new perspectives and techniques to better support students.”

Magdalena Grammenopoulos, a media production undergraduate student, talked about the insight that left the biggest impression on her from the course. She states, “The concept of Black ‘futurity.’ It’s about imagining a stronger future for Black children through the ways we live day-to-day-ways that counter the stereotypes and discrimination which prevent Black children from living as freely as others. I want to implement futurity by always taking it upon myself to create safer spaces for Black children, whether it be my friends, family, or strangers.”

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“No! You can’t check my phone.” Border officers are not authorized to search your electronic device




Each year, millions of Canadians travel abroad, and we carry our personal devices (computers, tablets, and smartphones). These devices contain highly sensitive and private information about who you are, reflecting your: lifestyle, beliefs, relationships, finances, and health.

What you may not know is that even though your personal device is very personal, and highly sensitive because of the information on it, section 99(1)(a) of the Customs Act allows Canadian Border Officers to search these devices without any reasonable suspicion. This law was recently challenged by two travelers, Jeremy Pike and David Scott, who were charged with possessing and importing child pornography after their devices were searched. Now, although it is a good thing that this type of behaviour was caught, the key question in their appeal is whether this law is constitutional.

On August 12th, 2024, the Court of Appeal for Ontario released its decision in R v. Pike, 2024 ONCA 608, holding that section 99(1)(a) of the Customs Act, which authorizes border officers to search electronic devices without any reasonable basis, is unconstitutional because it violates the section 8 Charter right to be free from unreasonable search and seizure. CCLA was an intervener in the case.

The Canadian Civil Liberties Association is a human rights organization committed to defending the: rights, dignity, safety, and freedoms of all people in Canada. CCLA is the pre-eminent voice advocating for the rights and freedoms of all Canadians and all persons living in Canada. They are leaders in protecting rights and have earned widespread respect for their principled stand on such issues as: national security, censorship, capital punishment, and police and state accountability with a fearless voice on civil liberties, human rights and democratic freedoms.

Shakir Rahim, Director of the Criminal Justice Program, made the following statement, “CCLA applauds this important ruling, which makes it clear the border is not a Charter-free zone. As CCLA argued, standardless limitless searches of electronic devices, which contain highly private information, violate the Charter right to be free from unreasonable search and seizure.”

I had a chance to review the decision, and I found direct references of CCLA’s submissions at paragraphs:

  • 63: The Crown’s related counterargument that travelers’ “choice” to travel with digital devices merits a lower threshold also fails. Because digital devices are our “constant companion[s]” (Bykovets, at para. 1), travelers need to bring them across borders to work and communicate. As the trial judge ruled, leaving them behind is not a meaningful choice. Neither is declining to leave and re-enter Canada, which, as the intervener Canadian Civil Liberties Association (the “CCLA”) submits, is not merely a choice but a section 6 Charter Just as “Canadians are not required to become digital recluses” to preserve their privacy (R. v. Jones, 2017 SCC 60, [2017] 2 S.C.R. 696, at para. 45), they also should not have to surrender the ability to enter and leave Canada with an indispensable instrument of modern life.
  • 66: The law’s low threshold increases this risk because, as the CCLA submits, low threshold powers are the easiest for officers to wield to target, whether intentionally or not, racialized and disadvantaged people: R. v. Landry. While the law’s good faith purpose test offers some protection against this risk, its subjective nature makes that risk harder to detect because officers do not have to point to objective facts to justify the search and help negate the possibility of discrimination.
  • 73: Simmons held that the state’s interest in suppressing the trafficking of drugs produced in other countries that had to be transported across the physical border to enter Canada justified the strip search law: at pp. 526-529. In contrast, digital contraband, even when downloaded to a device, is usually also stored on external servers and can be electronically transmitted into Canada, a mode of transmission that the Agency admits it has no mandate to control.

(They refer to Professor Steven Penney’s article “Mere Evidence? Why Customs Searches of Digital Devices Violate Section 8 of the Charter” and an article by Professor Robert Diab “Protecting the Right to Privacy in Digital Devices: Reasonable Search on Arrest and at the Border” (2018)

  • 89: Manual searches can still invade large amounts of highly private information and, if officers invest the time, can be almost as revealing as forensic searches. Further, officers could easily use manual searches as a backdoor to gain information that would meet the higher threshold to conduct forensic searches.

They refer to an article by Bingzi Hu, “Border Search in the Digital Era: Refashioning the Routine vs. Nonroutine Distinction for Electronic Device Searches” (2022)

“Parliament must legislate a stringent standard with clear safeguards for the state to search an electronic device at the border. This reflects the fact that electronic devices are a trove of our most personal, intimate, and sensitive information,” shares Shakir.

The pandemic showed how willing our government is to overlook and ignore our rights and freedoms. This is why the Toronto Caribbean Newspaper will always keep you “In the Know,” when it comes to how to truly live as a FREE Canadian.


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