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Toronto Caribbean Newspaper Hacked; how do we stop these things from happening?




It appears that the Toronto Caribbean Newspaper was hacked a few weeks ago. We lost three months of work, but that has not stopped us. This form of attack, an assault upon us all is becoming very commonplace, and unfortunately being accepted as a part of doing business these days. It should certainly not be acceptable, and in fact outrage each and every one of us.

Individual citizens, businesses small and large, governmental level departments, hospitals and information facilities around the world are under attack and our governments seem to be doing nothing about it.

Culprits or what I’d like to call “The Axis of Computer Kidnapping,” make up an interesting group.

Russia, China, North Korea, Nigeria and other nations use hackers as a means of attacking their: enemies, political opponents, national adversaries, and others. Rumour has it that western nations also play this game too. The west uses hackers as tools of offensive retribution when an axis nation attacks someone. The axis uses their hackers as a means to raise funds, steal from the west to pay for the rich lifestyles of their elites.

Cutting the electricity of a hospital or holding their computer system hostage for a few hours or days, or stealing the credit card numbers and identities of millions of card holders seems like something you can call war like, yes? Are these nations of the axis committing strategic assaults on the security of nations, and if so, why are we not threatening these pariah states with a surgical strike of our own?

Attack Russia, China or North Korea militarily? No, that is not a plan. Prove who is sponsoring these hacker groups, and then put viable embargoes upon these nations, individuals, and groups. Anyone supporting them put them on the list too. These people only understand one thing, that is money, and if you take it from them, they may become less belligerent. The west and its governmental officials are far too passive these days. Where’s James Bond when you need the agent?

Do to them, as they do to you. Tooth for a tooth I say. I don’t need cheap Chinese stuff, nor Russian caviar or Brandy. North Korea, what do they make? Oh yah, they ship their poverty-stricken people to Siberia as slaves to work in Russia’s Gulag. That is what we are dealing with: slave traders, governmental mafia and Chinese ethnic cleansing thugs.

The only good axis power is no axis power. Just as Jake in the Blues Brothers exclaimed, “I hate New Jersey Nazis”, so do I despise thugs, thieves and pimps. That is what we are dealing with. How do you deal with empowered criminals? You find them, arrest them and incarcerate them. They find protection in axis nations, well then you go old school on them.

Stop trying to build a perfect firewall, or a computer system that cannot be hacked. It cannot be done. Demand from your credit agencies, health systems and governments full protection from these ruffians. Demand your government representative do everything possible to stop these people.

I hope we do not experience a nation threatening event like closing down our power grids, making planes fall from the sky, or having a few patriot missiles leave their silos and attack innocent people. That is how bad it can be. No doubt the government has had such events happen and kept it quiet.

To our governments I say, adequacy in your efforts to protect us, is no standard at all. Excel in your efforts. You need to succeed in your efforts to stop these hacks, these assaults of greed and criminality.

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