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Trudeau has to Go! Our Prime Ministers undemocratic and unethical power grab is what caused this crisis




“I spent the day yesterday at the front-lines of the violent police seizure of the Freedom Convoy 2022 core on Wellington St. My heart is saddened by what Canada has become. Peaceful protesters, pleading with police to see through the misinformation, were shoved back, beaten, pepper sprayed and reportedly shot at with rubber bullets by heavily armed police in riot gear with armoured vehicles stationed close by.

Deepening the sadness is the gas lighting and disinformation put out by Ottawa Police and their Chief Steve Bell saying that protesters are actually attacking the police, and none have been injured. We have several reliable accounts of protesters being “arrested” and then dropped 20 minutes away from the core and coerced into signing a document saying they will not return.

As politicians around the world condemn Canada’s new police-state behaviour, the message is clear: any dissent against the Trudeau government will not be tolerated. Freedom of speech, assembly, movement, and the press have all fallen to what is now essentially a militarized zone with pedestrians in the “secured zone” being questioned and ordered back to their hotel rooms or to leave outright. Will Canadians start to see through the misinformation and join what the truckers started?” Gord Parks, BLN

I spent a few minutes reading and re-reading this account from Gord Parks. I thought about what had been said about the protests all over mainstream media. They had demonized these people, our Prime Minister was calling them racist, when I knew people from the Caribbean community who had attended the protest, and personally told me that there was nothing but love for almost three weeks. The undaunted Freedom Convoy protesters never stopped singing ‘O Canada’, never stopped hugging, never stopped praying. The accounts that I heard from people sound more like what Gord Parks had to say.

It was not until this militarized action, brought to head by Prime Minister Trudeau, did things begin to get messy. That is when we started to see violence in the streets of Ottawa. What has been hidden from those of us, who watch CNN, and CP24, is that the violence we were seeing was provoked and stoked by the police. They came outfitted in riot gear; they brutalized and arrested the peaceful demonstrators of the Freedom Convoy while threatening to arrest journalists for reporting what they were doing. Each day the violence escalated, until we saw the horrifying images of people being pepper sprayed and tear gassed.

This has been a dark time in Canadian history, and we have one person to thank for that: our Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau.

“What we are very proud of now is the young generation like Prime Minister (Justin) Trudeau. Yesterday I was at a reception for Trudeau, and I know that half of his cabinet, or even more than half, are Young Global Leaders.” Klaus Schwab (Head of the World Economic Forum)

It is interesting; what exactly is Klaus Schwab proud of? Is it the fact that one of his prized students had destroyed his country?

The current protest against vaccine mandates in Canada reveal that government authority and legitimacy are fragile. There are members of our government who claim that circumstances require extraordinary measures; they have found that their citizens also are capable of extraordinary measures as well.

This is why, for the sake of constitutional order, their frivolous claim for extraordinary powers have to stop. The worst part of this pandemic has passed; the real emergency however is the permanent appeal to emergency. The Trudeau government have imposed sweeping social and economic controls that have cost Canadians hundreds of billions of dollars in losses. Let’s not talk about the immeasurable emotional, psychological, spiritual, and physical turmoil – turmoil that has helped fuel the protests that you are seeing all across the globe.

It was disturbing to see how other countries were viewing us. To have people from other countries reach out to me and say, “What the hell is happening in Canada?”  The funny (not so funny) thing is that as disturbing as it was to watch the violence of out-of-control police carry out the will of our Prime Minister, there was another crackdown, which we didn’t find out about until the dust had settled.

Justin Trudeau and his Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland awarded themselves the authority to freeze the bank accounts of the Freedom Convoy’s organizers, as well as anyone who they suspect helped or contributed money to them. That’s right. Canadians had their bank accounts seized by the Liberal government because they donated to a political cause that was retroactively declared illegal by the federal government. Once again, I have received phone calls from community members who are locked out of their account because they donated money to a cause they believed in.

Klaus Schwab: is this what you are proud of?

Where and how will this end?

This eerily looks like the beginnings of a Chinese communist style “social credit” system in Canada! That is where your compliance to every government policy whim is monitored and ensured at the pain of complete expulsion from society. Let’s be very clear about this; Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has brought authoritarianism and tyranny to Canada.

The Emergencies Act was evoked for the first time in Canadian history. The Emergencies Act was developed out of the War Measures Act, and it was employed to combat wars and domestic terrorism, none of which was happening in Canada. Trudeau employed it to stop a peaceful protest in our nation’s capital. Again, it is interesting that this was employed after everyone had already gone home.

What the Emergency Act did was allow the Trudeau government to control protests: as Canadians, you cannot participate or travel to public assemblies the government deems unlawful, nor can you host such a protest on your own private property. Not only does Trudeau’s new powers severely restrict our civil liberties now, but it sets a precedent that will allow future governments to stifle peaceful protest!

Is this what we want our younger generation to see; that supporters of grassroots peaceful protests in the future will have reason to fear being financially punished by their government, just for supporting a peaceful assembly?

Of course, you have the Prime Minister cheerleading team, headed up by NDP leader Jagmeet Singh, who has expressed support for Trudeau invoking the Emergencies Act,

Thankfully, there were some elected leaders who began to stand up against Trudeau. Quebec Premier Francois Legault, Alberta Premier Jason Kenney, and Saskatchewan Premier Scott Moe have all condemned this act. Never in Canadian history have provinces not been able to accommodate protests by themselves and control them when they become dangerous or disruptive. The Emergencies Act can only be invoked when an issue cannot be dealt with by provinces, and to them, this was a clear overstep.

Multiple civil rights groups have also condemned Trudeau. Both the Canadian Civil Liberties Association and the Canadian Constitutional Foundation have spoken out against it, stating that the federal government has not met the threshold necessary to invoke the Emergencies Act.

A deeply undemocratic and unethical power grab is what caused this crisis and layering on more power grabs will never solve it. This is the biggest attempt to grab power in Canadian history. It cannot be allowed to happen. Both Trudeau and Ford must be electorally banished from power, and we must ensure that no one ever abuses our democracy in the way they have again!

Even though the Emergencies Act was revoked, questions remain about what might be the long-term effects of invoking such extraordinary measures to silence protestors. On a larger scale, these actions set a dangerous precedent of how the government decides to go after protests, and leaves open the door to using the same tactics in the future.

The urgent need is for our government, and all world governments to abandon urgency and return to the slow, steady business of governance.

The beauty, in a way is that all of this has brought different members of Canada together in an unimaginable way. When David Icke speaks about ending this with love, the Trucker Convoy exemplifies that point.

WE are love. WE are Canadians. Trudeau you are no longer a part of this equation.

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