Ernesto Cardenal was once the Minister of Culture from 1979-1987. A Nicaraguan Catholic Priest, a poet, politician and liberation theologian. A renaissance man who supported, fought for the Nicaraguan people and the working citizens of Latin America.
I had the opportunity to communicate with Ernesto over a three-year period. As a Franciscan Friar (TOR) I had written to the man, and surprisingly he wrote back. Several letters followed between us, during a horrendously difficult time for Ernesto and his people. This was because of his writings and political attitudes the Church of Rome threatened expulsion.
You see, the Catholic Church in Latin America was supported by regional power elites, wealthy landowners who demanded the Church somehow bring the restless peasantry under control. Yes, violence and revolution were anathema to the Church, and Popes and Cardinals attempted to rein in their foot soldiers (Clergy) through their vows of obedience.
Many of the clergy in Latin America lived with and supported their congregations, demanding that the often oppressive and violent landlords of the area stop manipulating and oppressing their people. Ernesto wrote that previous to the revolution many peasants simply disappeared or were arrested only to be returned with obvious signs of torture and abuse. Over taxation, stealing what land and crops these poor people had, and denials of their rights to free elections drove many to violent rebellion.
Then Daniel Ortega became more prominent, gaining control over the revolutionary council and organization. Promises of free elections, land reform, equality before the law, protection of the regions, and Aboriginal peoples were made. The revolution succeeded despite American adventurism through its injection of Contra Forces in the region. Daniel Ortega became President, and with the support of Cuba and other progressive forces began to carry out those policies promised. President Ortega has dabbled in international drug trafficking, making his contacts through his relationship with Cuba. NARCO influences are everywhere in Latin America, especially in the poorer regions. Employment of the poor, seemingly free money and corrupt officials are common realities. This President has been responsible for the deaths of thousands, imprisonment and national expulsion of those who oppose him.
Ernesto Cardinal, like most ideologies, did not recognize the political movement’s evolution towards centralized dictatorship until it was too late. In time Daniel Ortega became one of Latin America’s dictators, establishing a family oligarchy that seems to still sustain itself, while receiving intelligence and financial assistance from America.
Nicaragua is isolated internationally, while EU and American Corporations continue to exploit their natural resources in a limitless fashion. Nicaragua is one of Latin America’s poorest nations. Another revolutionary movement is afoot financially supported by foreigners and Nicaragua’s neighbors.
The Caribbean has a number of dictatorships: Haiti, Venezuela, and Cuba, while in 1977, 17 of Latin America’s countries were dictatorships. A Latin American’s experience politically migrating from one nation to the other, is much like moving from one room to another while on the Titanic. No real difference, but with all the fear and oppression. Latin America offers its resources, and cheap labour to the world, and this exploitation grows as does the region’s population.
Dreamers like Ernesto Cardenal must deal with a: greedy, corrupt and unimaginative political system that has not changed over the past hundred years. Those who wish to change the system face a wall of oppression, undue influence and foreign intrigue. Jesus Christ was to Ernesto a true rebel, presenting a new law that would tumble the old law, represent the “lambs” of this world as something to fight and struggle for, achieving a “heaven” on earth, as opposed to the promised paradise the church presents.