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Universal Basic Income (UBI) is about to be rolled out in the UK; what does this mean for the rest of the world?



Photo Credit: Pixabay


A little over two years ago when enlightened folks warned that the central banks, big pharma, and those who think that they are superior to us were planning our demise financially and literally, some of us laughed and called those folks mad. Well, the results are in, and it isn’t pretty.

Britain’s new Prime Minister Rishi Sunak announced that he is in the process of rolling out what he called, “A set of public policy principles for retail CBDC aka Central Bank Digital Currencies.”

Sunak started by saying that CBDCs can be used alongside physical notes and coins, but unlike most of the physical money used today, CBDCs would be solely issued by the Central bank based in the UK. He concluded by reinforcing the fact that almost all governments are in the bag, or on board and getting ready to do so.

By now, those of us who are familiar with the tricks of the WEF run system have a clear picture as to how the banks will try to ease this CBDC system on humanity.

Remember Sunak said it can be used alongside real money; here is one way they might try to get this across to the masses. Let’s say you wanted to buy a pair of shoes that cost $300; you might be told by participating stores that you are allowed to pay half in cash and half in CBDCs, similar to “no mask no entry.”

It is becoming clearer each passing day that most governments on the planet are on a collision course to drive their citizens off a cliff, from orchestrated job loss as we see here in Canada, where qualified nurses who refused the experimental injection were fired, to farmers who are being forced to abandon their farms all in the name of the climate change hoax, what’s next?

A universal Basic Income tied to a Social Credit Score.

What does this mean? According to Klaus Schwab of The World Economic Forum WEF, it means, “You will own nothing, and you’ll be happy,” or putting the earth’s inhabitants on permanent welfare, only this time with prison style regulations attached.

Let’s have a look at how these very intelligent people plan to sell us this plantation scheme.

According to a respected news source, the vendors of this plan are international and politically diverse. They range from radical leftists of the post-capitalist variety like Paul Mason and Aaron Bastani, to Silicon Valley gurus like Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerberg, not to mention the political puppets that attended the WEF Young Global Leaders classes. They are all competing for space in our minds, and if we let them, they will walk us right into slavery.

Imagine as far back as April 2020, Pope Francis already had this universal income plan mapped out. In an Easter letter to members of various social movements, he made his move.

“I know that you have been excluded from the benefits of globalization,” Francis wrote on. “You do not enjoy the superficial pleasures that anesthetize so many consciences, yet you always suffer from the harm they produce. The ills that afflict everyone hit you twice as hard.”

Pointing to: “street vendors, recyclers, carnies, small farmers, construction workers, dressmakers, the different kinds of caregivers who have no steady income,” Pope Francis said that a universal basic income should be considered.

As the brew gets thicker the plan becomes clearer; if the masses allow these shysters to con them into accepting a universal income, the freedom party is OVER.

Why did governments order all small businesses closed? Did you think the answer was a genuine pandemic?

There are yeasayers and naysayers on both sides of this issue, but here is a tip from the old folks; there are no free lunches. Please find out the cost of anything before getting involved or accepting.

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