Community News

Vaccine Injury Awareness Month – Insufficient testing and a lack of transparency contributed to a growing distrust in the healthcare system




“A serious and permanent injury is defined as a severe, life-threatening or life-altering injury that may require in-person hospitalization, or a prolongation of existing hospitalization, and results in persistent or significant disability or incapacity, or where the outcome is a congenital malformation or death.”

World Health Organization (WHO)

They told us vaccines were safe, and we believed them… until many of our worlds were turned upside down. You got a shot, just like everyone else, but for you, it was different. It was like your body decided to revolt. You know that your experience is not the norm; most people seemed to have no problems at all, or so they said but for you, it was a terrifying ordeal. There are things that have begun to happen that were not happening until after your first, second, or third shot of the government endorsed vaccine.

The widespread distribution of the COVID-19 injection (vaccine) has raised serious concerns about its safety and efficacy. Many individuals report being misled or pressured into taking this drug without a full understanding of its potential risks. Insufficient testing and a lack of transparency contributed to a growing distrust in the healthcare system. As evidence mounts of adverse reactions and long-term side effects, it is imperative to demand greater accountability and prioritize the well-being of those affected.

The government’s coercion and manipulation to inject harmful substances into our bodies under the guise of medical necessity has caused untold suffering. All around us, people are dying or struggling with inexplicable health issues that go unaddressed.

This is why I would like to make the community aware that October is Vaccine Injury Awareness Month. Vaccine Injury Awareness Month is dedicated to raising awareness about the potential adverse effects of vaccines. There is the claim that vaccines are generally safe and effective, but unfortunately, there have been documented instances where individuals have experienced serious side effects, and adverse reactions.

Insurance companies. Hospitals. Big Pharma. They all make money when you or your child have a chronic disease. The earlier a kid gets sick, the bigger the profits.

The science couldn’t be clearer. Injecting babies and children with vaccine after vaccine weakens their immune systems and leads to a lifetime of everything from mild allergies to severe asthma to a range of devastating neurological injuries including autism, which has had a devastating affecting on African children living in the diaspora.

The CDC says 1 in 36 kids now has autism. Public health officials try to “normalize” these skyrocketing numbers, but every parent of a child with autism knows there’s nothing normal about full-blown autism.

There is nothing more devastating to parents than knowing their child was healthy until a “routine” vaccine changed everything. Some of these children will never throw a baseball or be able to participate in any athletic sports. Never graduate from high school. Never get a job. Never write a play or a poem. Never vote. Never live a full, independent life.

Our government has no plan for how to foot the bill for these kids’ care when they grow up, when their parents die, or can no longer care for them. Meanwhile, pharmaceutical industry analysts gleefully project the U.S. “market” for caring for autistic kids will top $13.14 billion by 2030. It appears that a vaccine-injured child is just another profit center. Thankfully, more and more people are waking up to the lies and corruption.

I want you readers to be aware of the fact that you might be experiencing a vaccine injury and not even know it. A vaccine injury refers to an adverse effect, or health complication that occurs after receiving a vaccine. A vaccine injury could involve severe reactions. These might include allergic responses such as: swelling, difficulty breathing, or hives, neurological issues like seizures, or Guillain-Barré Syndrome (GBS), or prolonged symptoms that impair daily function. Reports have shown that it has affected women’s menstrual cycles, and cardiac arrest numbers have gone up significantly. We have all heard of these sudden deaths, where perfectly young, healthy athletes are dropping dead on soccer fields, and basketball courts.

Clearly the Canadian government has been aware of these adverse reactions and have established a Vaccine Injury Support Program (VISP)

This is financial support provided by the government regardless of who is responsible, or possibly at fault. For example, the: claimant, manufacturer, or health professional administering the vaccine. It does not require the claimant to seek legal representation or solicit expert medical review (beyond their attending physician’s report). The program provides: fair, timely and equitable financial compensation to individuals who experience serious vaccine injuries.

Pan-Canadian Vaccine Injury Support Program

The Pan-Canadian Vaccine Injury Support Program ensures that all people in Canada who have experienced a serious and permanent injury as a result of receiving a Health Canada authorized vaccine, administered in Canada on, or after December 8th, 2020, have fair and timely access to financial support. As of April 2024, the federal government has added $36.4 million to a program designed to support people who have been seriously injured or killed by vaccines since the end of 2020.

The Vaccine Injury Support Program (VISP) provided compensation to individuals who have experienced serious and permanent injuries, or death resulting from receiving a Health Canada-authorized vaccine. To be eligible, the vaccine must have been administered in Canada on, or after December 8th, 2020, and the injury must have been reported to a healthcare provider. Claims could be submitted within three years from the date of vaccination, the date of death, or when the injury first became apparent. The program aimed to support those who have suffered significant harm following vaccination.

I want to note here that in the past year, 99% of claims were related to COVID-19 vaccines. There have been many different injuries claimed and each is assessed individually.

As a newspaper, it is our duty to raise awareness within our community about the dangers of these forced medical interventions. We must inform our readers about the steps they can take if they experience adverse effects, from seeking legal recourse to connecting with healthcare professionals who prioritize patient safety.

The time has come to speak truth to power and protect our community from further harm.


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