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Personal Finance

What does sex have to do with money?


Many people, whether knowingly or unknowingly, often categorize sex and money together. It is not uncommon to watch a film or read a novel that contains a wealthy individual who has no shortage of sexual partners. While it is pretty well understood that having money can often mean more opportunities for sexual activity, is it possible that there is a deeper correlation between these two things?

One study by the Institute for the Study of Labour indicates that there is indeed more to the sex/money connection. In fact, it goes so far as to indicate that of the people studied, those who engaged in sex more regularly tended to have higher incomes than those who did not. Here are three other interesting places that sex and money connect.

#1 Your marriage
Two of the major stressors within a marriage relationship are…you guessed it…sex and money. When money is tight or there is a financial hardship, this can often lead to tension between parties and a lack of bedroom intimacy.

No sex can then lead to more frustrations, compounding the problem even further. Conversely, having more money can sometimes create sex and marriage problems too. Marripedia states that, “A Canadian study found that divorce rates increase as married women’s income approaches that of their husbands, and accelerate further when women’s income surpasses that of their husbands.”

Husbands who feel disconnected from their wives due to inadequacy in the area of finances, tend to also be less interested in having sex as well. So, no matter how you slice it and dice it, money and sex seem quite connected when it comes to maintaining a happy marriage relationship.

#2 Your health
Living a healthy lifestyle is another place where sex and money tend to work together positively or compound things negatively. Financial stress in Canadians has been linked to serious health problems such as heart disease, high blood pressure, and mental conditions like anxiety and depression. People who suffer from these conditions also tend to have a lower sex drive. On the other hand, a healthy and active sex life can reduce stress, be good for the heart, and improve overall well-being and brain sharpness. When a person is healthy and able to think clearly, they usually perform better at their job and more easily align themselves with financial growth opportunities and career advancements.

#3 Your sleep
Believe it or not, sex and money can both play a pretty significant role in a person’s ability to get a good night’s sleep. Sexual frustrations and money problems both can lead to insomnia. When it comes to money, about 48% of Canadians say they have “lost sleep because of financial worries” and people dealing with financial stress are about four times as likely to suffer from sleep problems. However, it is possible to combat insomnia with sex. During intercourse, the body releases oxytocin and prolactin, hormones that promote relaxation and drowsiness, making it easier to fall asleep!

The Bottom Line
Sex and money both tend to play rather large roles in most people’s lives. Those roles, when acknowledged and managed well, can create an environment that encourages personal, relational, and professional growth. When neglected, however, they can both work negatively to deteriorate these same areas. Choose wisely!

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