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What is order without the chaos of differing opinions? There is a move towards increased censorship over digital conversations



Photo by gianfranco marotta


Have you noticed the silence? Not the absence of sound, but the quiet censorship that permeates our world. It’s like a shadow, always present, but rarely acknowledged.

News headlines are being muted or edited.

Social media posts are disappearing without a trace.

People are hesitant about speaking their minds.

There is a silent war on information, subtle manipulation of narratives that shapes our perceptions. We don’t even know it, but we have become prisoners of a carefully crafted reality. Our conversations have become whispers in fear. We’re afraid to discuss, afraid to dissent. The very essence of democracy is fading away in the hushed tones of compliance. Even the digital realm, the supposed bastion of free expression, is not immune. Algorithms decide what we see, what we hear, and what we’re allowed to say.

Posts being flagged.

Content being removed.

Profiles being shadow banned.

While you and I were busy celebrating the Christmas holidays, UNESCO, a major UN agency, slyly launched an alarming plan – one that strikes at the very heart of our freedoms.

The plan, called ‘Guidelines for the Governance of Digital Platforms,’ outlines a set of duties, responsibilities, and roles for: states, digital platforms, intergovernmental organizations, civil society, media, etc., to deal with dis- and misinformation, hate speech, and conspiracy theories.

According to UNESCO the guidelines outline a set of duties, responsibilities and roles for: states, digital platforms, intergovernmental organizations, civil society, media, academia, the technical community and other stakeholders to enable the environment where freedom of expression and information are at the core of digital platforms governance processes.

They claim that the guidelines were produced through a multi-stakeholder consultation that gathered more than 10,000 comments from 134 countries. These global-scale consultations fostered inclusive participation, ensuring a diversity of voices to be heard, including those from groups in situations of marginalization and vulnerability.

They say that they are cultivating an “Internet of Trust,” a shared responsibility among all stakeholders. It calls upon all stakeholders to sustain an enabling environment for freedom of expression and the right to information.

The governmental organizations have great writers working for them and could sell ice to the Arctic. What is cleverly disguised is that the UNESCO report Guidelines for the Governance of Digital Platforms indicates a move towards increased censorship and control over digital conversations. This means the suppression of views and information that are contrary to the narratives approved by UNESCO or its collaborating governments and corporations.

So essentially, they decide on the information exchange taking place and dictate what we can or can’t say and think online. This isn’t just shaping public opinion – it’s a dangerous move to force a single ideology, crushing diverse thoughts and beliefs in its wake.

They want you to believe, with a lot of fancy talk, that this is just another well-meaning global plan to protect you. Trust me, nothing could be further from the truth. This is a direct attack on free speech, targeting those of us who challenge the Globalists’ views on: gender, abortion, vaccinations, family values, and Christianity.

The same UN that is pushing for a global pandemic accord to control your health decisions will now be deciding what you can or can’t read, post, and share!

If information surrounding elections is suppressed and under their control and regulation, then we know just how easily it is for them to influence and affect political outcomes. After a year fighting off the WHO Pandemic Treaty, the UN is now getting its hands on yet another weapon to dictate your health choices.

Regrettably, the Charter of Rights and Freedoms under Section 1 permits the government to impose “reasonable limits” on the freedoms of Canadians. However, Section 2 of the Charter and Section 1 (d) and (f) of the Canadian Bill of Rights explicitly work against government intrusion in freedom of speech and the press, despite UNESCO referencing numerous international “human rights” frameworks to decide what speech to restrict.

Make no mistake, these types of reports coming out of UN agencies are very relevant, and the most alarming part? UNESCO isn’t acting in isolation – they plan to collaborate with governments and corporations across the globe to implement this censorship regime. The report itself stipulates how it will work with governments to target a range of speech forms, while ostensibly promoting their own ideological goals.

The tape on our mouths may not be physical, but it’s there, stifling our ability to express, to question, to challenge the status quo. Our voices are being suppressed under the guise of maintaining order, but what is order without the chaos of differing opinions?

So, how do we break this silence? By refusing to be silenced. It’s time to amplify our voices, to challenge the quiet censorship that shackles our minds.

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