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What is the most important motivator when it comes to work?




The majority of our lives are spent at work, whether we’re navigating tasks from the comfort of our homes, or within the bustling environment of an office. This significant portion of our time is dedicated to our careers, shaping not only our professional identities, but also influencing our personal lives. The dynamics of work have evolved, blending the boundaries between home and office, yet the centrality of work in our daily routines remains steadfast.

There are a lot of things that make a good job good: great coworkers, flexible hours, a nice boss, but we wanted to know what the most important motivator is when it comes to work?

What motivates people to work is a complex interplay of intrinsic and extrinsic factors. Intrinsically, many individuals find fulfillment in the sense of accomplishment and personal growth that comes from tackling challenges and achieving goals. They may be driven by a passion for their field, a desire for continuous learning, or the satisfaction of contributing to something larger than themselves.

Extrinsically, motivations can include financial incentives, job security, and the pursuit of a comfortable lifestyle. Social factors also play a significant role; the need for social interaction, recognition, and the approval of peers and superiors can significantly influence one’s drive to work. Additionally, cultural and societal expectations often shape our attitudes towards work, instilling a sense of duty or responsibility. Ultimately, the combination of these factors varies for each individual, reflecting their unique values, aspirations, and life circumstances.

The Hubspot conducted a survey, and unsurprisingly, the most common answer was cold, hard cash at 32%. As for the 24.1% who said they’re looking for “something else,” answers ranged from autonomy and stability to equity and career growth (you know, the good stuff). Many said they want mission-driven careers that do some good for the world. Then there were the 18.9% who are driven by remote work and flexibility, 14% who said work-life balance gets them going, and 11% who said recognition from coworkers is all they need to stay happy.

For those who voted “something else,” here’s what motivates them:

  • “Having a great boss that respects personal boundaries and sees you as a human instead of a work bot.”
  • “A genuine feeling that the work I’m doing is making a meaningful impact somewhere, to someone.”
  • “Inspiration. A real, authentic call to something greater which matters to me.”
  • “I motivate myself; I like to work and I am responsible for what I do.”
  • “I am most motivated by the success of the company. I want to work hard to see results.”
  • “Opportunity to grow my career. Even if I say no, just being asked is nice.”
  • “Being left the hell alone.”

I can relate to the last one oh to well, lol! So, the people have spoken. Readers, what is it for you? What would you say keeps you motivated, and doing the work that you do?

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