Community News

When democracy is not very democratic at all!



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There is a web of collusion and corruption attached to the medical health – pharmaceutical sector where private corporations owned by many wealthy players in society are protected by various oversight bodies within and of our governments. Can we hold private and governmental officials responsible and accountable for the management of these medical escapades?

Long wait times for those seeking medical assistance, yet our governments curtail hiring needed staff. Publicly needed defibrillators purchased by the public sector and directed to the private sector’s usage. Escalating number of medications delisted and not paid for by public insurance.

Transparency is non-existent and accountability falls upon the legality of legislative privilege and protection. Sure, we can complain, and surely the Ombudsman is listening, but pointing out a lack of accountability, wrongdoing and hidden agendas seems hollow when the very people who are supposed to be representing us are somehow involved in continual and escalating cover ups.

How can we trust any members of management within the corporate and public sector? Trust is found when what is before us is transparent and viewed by all. That simply does not happen. Far too many in the corporate and public sector spend a great deal of time covering their collective asses, making decisions in the dark, or not making any decisions at all for fear of judicial retribution in the future.

“Every decision you make reflects your evaluation of who you are.” (M. Williamson) So who are these corporate and public officials making decisions that affect each of us our: environments, financial status and health status?

Know who you vote for, who you do business with, and most importantly who supplies you with the necessities of life.

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