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Why more and more Americans are refusing to be vaccinated



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When Americans were asked why more and more of them were refusing to take the injection, they gave some powerful reasons why that was so. Reasons I will go into as we progress into this article.

However, when Anthony Fauci said he does not understand why so many Americans are refusing to get vaccinated, maybe he forgot that what he was offering them was not a vaccine in the first place, or he did not read the reasons why that is so.

Here are some of the reasons the Americans gave.

  • Reading the peer-reviewed literature that shows the vaccines kill more than they save for all age groups; over 150,000 Americans have been killed by the vaccines
  • From symptoms they experienced after their first jab
  • Seeing their friends dead or disabled after vaccination

Anyone with a bit of sanity would find it hard to participate in something that unleashes sickness and death on their friends and families, and it seems that Americans are learning to question the motives of nefarious doctors, politicians, and so-called clergymen and women whose intentions are not honourable.

Canadians, how do we stack up as a people when it comes to standing up for our rights? Questioning things that do not seem right, or calling out our elected officials who we know for a fact are lying to us?

I had the misfortune of looking at a video of passengers on a flight who were told that they could remove their masks. I could not believe the childishness of adults who broke out clapping as though it was a privilege. This is serious mind control and conditioning.

It is common knowledge that these injection companies are exempt from giving you a penny if you are harmed, yet some folks are still letting their doctors hustle them into taking this injection. Canadians, we need to question these “Medical Hustlers” and say no. Let’s face it; it will not be your doctor suffering from a blood clot a month later –  that will be you.

Here is a small example of the satanic nature of this medical fraud.

Charlene Lin, a front-liner working in Singapore, received the Pfizer vaccine in January, after which she lost feeling in her legs, and had to undergo therapy. To make matters worse, her request for financial assistance was rejected, and the doctors blamed her DNA for her side effects. This Odysee video can be viewed in the link below this article.

Let’s look at coercion, another one of the reasons Americans name as a cause for rejecting this injection. The mere fact that you have to stoop to coercion (such as “take the vaccine or you are fired”) as a tactic to get adoption of your agenda is extremely troubling.

As Canadians, we need to do some serious soul searching and reject anyone who draws this kind of line in the sand. By now, we must have noticed how two weeks have turned into two years, and one injection has turned into four. Canadians, please wake up; it is almost too late. Social credit scores and vaccine passports are tools that will be used to control your every move.

Americans by nature are more vocal than Canadians, but this is not a situation to ignore. Many of us have lost our jobs just because we have decided we will not be violated, can’t travel for the same reason, lost our friends all because we refuse to be treated like a herd of cattle by elected officials.

It is time we speak out and call out this evil whose aim is primarily to divide and conquer.

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