Community News

Why? Why push Vaccines if more People Recover than die from COVID-19?




“When somebody is naturally immune, like they got covered, they probably have better, like not better, but more antibodies against the virus.

When you actually get the virus, you’re going to start producing antibodies against, like, multiple pieces of virus – and not only just like the outside portion, like the inside portion, and the actual virus. So, your antibodies are probably better at that point than the vaccination.” Nick Karl (Scientist, Pfizer)

I’ve always been fascinated with the body’s incredible ability to heal and repair itself. When you cut yourself, for example, you get to witness the body’s healing process firsthand: the body clotting, the formation of a scab, then blood vessels bringing oxygen for healing, and finally the formation of new skin. It’s frankly amazing how the body can heal itself without any help from the outside.

What is important to know is that health is achieved when the body is able to protect itself against: imbalances, breakdowns, and foreign invaders. The human body has evolved powerful defense systems that help it maintain optimal physical, mental and emotional states.

I wanted to lead into this article with these facts, so that when I put an organization on blast, I am doing so fairly, transparently and honestly. If you can’t tell, this edition, I am calling out people who have bought into the COVID-19 rhetorica, and are now forcing their children, spouses, family members, friends and community to buy into the double-speak as well.

On Saturday, January 21st, 2023, from 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM (EST), Lord Fury, Knia Singh, and I decided to visit “Our Community’s Health Matters: A Black Health Fair and Wellness Summit.” It was being held by Black Scientists from the Task Force on Vaccine Equity.

The Black Scientists’ Task Force on Vaccine Equity was created in December 2020 as part of the TO Supports: Targeted Equity Action Plan, as a response to data that continued to show that the highest rates of COVID-19 cases and vaccine hesitancy are among Black people of African and Caribbean origins.

The Task Force was created in partnership with the TAIBU Community Health Centre, to address Black community concerns and issues related to the COVID-19 pandemic, testing and vaccines. The Task Force has also collaborated closely with the Black Physicians Association of Ontario (BPAO) to develop the vaccine equity strategy.

The Task Force, which includes many of Canada’s top Black scientists involved in key aspects of vaccine development and Black public health, will review the major concerns and issues around COVID-19 testing and levels of vaccine acceptance, and develop public health recommendations to effectively address Black community concerns. The Black Scientists’ Task Force on Vaccine Equity members include:

  • Dr. Akwatu Khenti
  • Dr. Zainab Abdurrahman
  • Trevor Aldridge
  • Dr. Upton Allen
  • Dr. David Burt
  • Celina Caesar-Chavannes
  • Francis Jeffers
  • Juannittah Kamera
  • Dr. Na-Koshie Lamptey
  • Dr. Onye Nnorom
  • Dr. Kwame McKenzie
  • Ashleigh Rae-Thomas
  • Dionne Sinclair
  • Dr. Candice Todd
  • Nicole Welch

Being part of the summit really cleared things up for me: the obvious gap between “what the CDC says” and “what we see, hear and read” has left space for our community to really think critically about what is happening around us, and to us. The summit was put together well: music, food, and a group of individuals working together to achieve their goal; it is not a goal that I agree with, but to each their own.

I have to say, I am disappointed with this task force group, and I am going to explain why. Throughout the summit, the push was to ensure that the community knew that vaccine security was our right, and that we need to make sure that every single person in the world knew about it. Oh, they did it up: panel after panel, lecture after lecture, the audience was bombarded with information concerning the vaccine, but it was a very one-sided discussion.

When Knia Singh went up to ask a few questions, he was berated by members of the audience. They jeered him and told him to pass the mic over to someone else. Interestingly enough, all of his questions were valid, but when doctors were asked, they spoke around the question, not answering directly. Let’s take a look at some of these questions:

  1. When the death rate for Covid cases is 1% is it justified to push an mRNA injection that does not stop contraction or transmission that has potentially serious side effects?
  2. When the death rate in the country is 0.1% and approximately 80% of those people are over 80 years old with comorbidities why are we spending so many resources on this when our Black community has overwhelming issues such as gun violence and systemic racism that affect our health daily to a significant degree.
  3. The disproportionate likelihood of dying based on race was existent long before COVID-19 why is the task force consistently using this a shield to justify promoting vaccination.?
  4. Why is there an emphasis on vaccination when natural immunity lasts longer and adjusts to any variant that emerges compared to the limitation of the mRNA injections that have to be re-engineered over time?
  5. Has anybody in Toronto between the ages of 0-12 died as a result of a COVID-19 infection?
  6. What is the annual budget that the Black Health Task Force receives from the city of Toronto?
  7. Why have our community leaders accepted positions that promote an injection that is early in its introductory stage and has not gone through extensive testing?
  8. Do you support the continuing silencing of voices that present an alternate view to the measures necessary to keep people safe during the Great Reset?
  9. Why is there such an extreme effort to promote injections rather than a healthy lifestyle and reduction of stress to maintain optimal health and resistance to COVID-19 infections?

Knia was only able to get through with a few questions before he was verbally attacked, and it dawned on me; our community is so brainwashed, they actually believe what is being parroted to them.

So, of course, I had to do some research and I would like anyone who is reading this article right now to share it with the board members at the Black Task Force. In order for them to really speak for the people in the Black community, they must understand both sides of a story.

According to a Senior Associate Scientist at Pfizer, people who have already been infected are considerably better protected, and most likely for a longer period of time, since there was a natural reaction in the body. Do you hear this; natural reaction? This cannot happen if you are pumped full of vaccinations.

Another scientist at Pfizer on the other hand, voiced displeasure with how they are “bred and taught” to claim that the vaccination is safer than naturally enhanced antibodies from infection.

“Honestly, we have too; we have to do so many seminars on this, like you have no idea. Like we have to sit there for hours and hours and listen. You cannot talk about this. It’s not in public.'”

A Senior Associate Scientist also expressed his dissatisfaction with his job at Pfizer.

“I still feel like I work for an evil corporation,” he said, adding that they are attempting “to keep track” of everyone who has been vaccinated versus the real number of individuals reported.

“Basically, our organization is run on COVID money now,” he continued. “It netted like over 15 billion last year.

“The vaccine may not protect everyone.”  Pfizer, January 27, 2023

For various reasons, governments around the world panicked in February and March of 2020 and concluded that only a severe lockdown, and vaccinations could isolate the virus and stop it from spreading. They quickly became aware of the failure and cost of this action and were faced with a choice: they could admit their terrible mistake or double down, continue with the policy, and hope that people wouldn’t figure out that they had been tricked.

The rush to apply an untested, unrecommended, and obviously costly policy tool to entire populations was undoubtedly fueled by two factors. First, many mistakenly thought that COVID-19 could be eradicated if everyone took the vaccination. Second, groups of applied mathematicians immediately called for lockdowns, and pharmaceutical companies and their apocalyptic predictions heavily influenced policymakers. Taken together, these factors caused public health officials and politicians to panic.

Wouldn’t you know it; the immediate massive death toll did not happen; indeed, after five waves it still had not happened.

People came to believe in “the absurd goal of ‘zero-COVID,’” despite suffering from government lockdown policies, and seeing friends and family get sick after taking their vaccine. As such, a fearful segment of citizens “supported the policies and actually helped enforce state regulations through social stigma and shaming of those who objected. This is exactly what happened to Knia on January 21st, 2023.

Within months of the initial panic several facts were clear: the models were wrong; COVID-19 could not be contained; the disease threatened only a particular segment of the population; those who died had four comorbidities on average. Also, this was the first time that lockdowns were enforced on healthy and non-symptomatic people.

Jordan Trishton Walker (Pfizer Director of Research and Development – Strategic Operations and mRNA Scientific Planning) was recently caught on tape making a statement that was very damning.

“Well, that is not what we say to the public, no. That’s why it was a thought that came up in a meeting and we were like: ‘Why do we not? It was like, we’re going to consider that with more discussions. Actually. We’re like: Wait a minute, people won’t like that.” 

What won’t people like?

Pfizer ultimately is thinking about mutating COVID? That’s right, it appears that Pfizer is internally discussing the possibility of mutating the COVID virus themselves, in order to tailor a vaccine to sell to the public. Why would they do this? I am not going to insult the reader’s intelligence by explaining.

Pfizer and the Government of Canada have responded to the hesitancy by saying this:

“Following the availability and use of the updated (bivalent) COVID-19 vaccines, CDC’s Vaccine Safety Datalink (VSD), a near real-time surveillance system, met the statistical criteria to prompt additional investigation into whether there was a safety concern for ischemic stroke in people ages 65 and older who received the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine, Bivalent.”

Safety concern you say? Let’s continue.

Rapid-response investigation of the signal in the VSD raised a question of whether people 65 and older who have received the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine, Bivalent were more likely to have an ischemic stroke in the 21 days following vaccination compared with days 22-42 following vaccination.

This preliminary signal has not been identified with the Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine, Bivalent. There also may be other confounding factors contributing to the signal identified in the VSD that merit further investigation. Furthermore, it is important to note that, to date, no other safety systems have shown a similar signal and multiple subsequent analyses have not validated this signal.”

Oh, so now there are other confounding factors, interesting.

The truth here matters. For one, if you are thinking that the boosters that are being offered are going to help keep you safe, it’s time to re-assess. Not everything that is parroted by the government is good for you, and when organizations like the Black Task Force enable the distribution of vaccines in our community, I wonder if they realize that this is all being recorded and documented. Do you really want to be known as an organization who is responsible for the ill health of your community?

Something to think about.

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