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Will Digital IDs be a way for governments to discriminate against people?




The race for mass vaccination is on. Despite reports from VAERS of over 2,000 deaths and over 50,000 adverse reactions caused by the vaccine, people are still lining up to take it. Now that over 5.5 million people in Canada have received their first dose, the government is exploring ways for people to be able to show proof of their vaccination to give them access to the freedoms they once had.

Many support the idea of showing proof of vaccination because they believe that anyone not vaccinated is a virus spreader. Others who do not believe that a vaccine is the only way through this pandemic see the digital ID as a way for governments to discriminate against people that don’t believe in the pharmaceutical industrial complex.

Justin Trudeau has shut down the idea of a vaccine passport in the past but seems to be open to it under a different term such as the digital ID The digital ID will resemble something like China’s social credit score, where people will be required to take pharmaceuticals and obey all government directives to have access to the services and public spaces we once used freely. On the Government of Ontario’s website, it says that the digital ID is optional right now, and that regular forms of identification will still be accepted.

Dr. Naomi Wolf, a former advisor for Bill Clinton and author of the book “The End Of America”, has been sounding the alarm in the United States on the dangers of allowing this type of application to be mandated across the world. In an interview on the show The High Wire, she explains how this technology will and is already being used to shut people out of society and shape political views in favour of whoever is in power. People who go against the narrative will be tracked by location, affiliations, online free speech, and medical choices. Naomi also goes over how medical mandates are dangerous, illegal, and a violation of human rights because a person’s ability to make a living can be cut off by governments if they don’t follow the government directive. This could be anything from taking experimental drugs to limiting how many children you are allowed to have.

In Israel, they have rolled out the “green pass” giving only vaccinated people access to gyms, restaurants, and other spaces that were open to the public. This has created a divide in Israel and has ostracized and targeted those who have chosen not to take the vaccine. The United States is also working on their vaccine passports that will limit travel for those who remain unvaccinated. New York has already rolled out its use of the vaccine passport and now anyone that wants to go to a ball game or concert at Madison Square Garden or the Barclays Center will require vaccination before being granted access to these public spaces.

The vaccine passport or digital ID will link your medical data to all your identification and also be connected to your bank account and credit accounts. Information about this can be found on the government of Ontario website. Most Canadians just want to do what they think is the right thing and don’t want to push back against government directives, but with the world we are walking into, it has never been more important to understand what we are giving up and what we are accepting.

Even if you are pro-vaccine you should still want to be able to choose what vaccines you want to take and what medical procedures you want for your body. It should always be an individual’s choice what is done to their body. Giving up that right to your government will never be a good thing for humanity.

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