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Womanhood makes up 50% of humanity, now that’s a powerful group


In the last 50 years Latin and Central American women have been persecuted by the forces of political and economic authoritarianism fueled by western corporations and their political henchmen. Many Latin nations are controlled by powerful feudal families whose attitudes are welcomed by Western and US political elites. Their military grows, weaponized by the USA, in return these forces are let loose upon any leftwing organization, or political party. Real democracy in America is strangely enough a rare thing today. A few nations stuck in their feudal political processes are:

  • Argentina
  • Chile
  • Ecuador
  • Peru
  • Brazil
  • El Salvador
  • Nicaragua
  • Guatemala
  • Honduras
  • Columbia

Military Junta’s, dictatorships, political party authoritarianism and so on. The powers in control persecute anyone that is on a list provided to them by their foreign controls (CIA perhaps), or anyone who strives to establish a real democracy within their nations. These feudal forces use police and military death squads to systematically socially pressure, harass activists, and ultimately kidnap, torture and eliminate them. They threaten the activists’ families and friends, spying upon them endlessly.

When someone disappears, their families will face police ignorance. Therefore, these people protest, gathering as a group before the elite henchmen. Alone these people have no chance, but together they can help topple tyrants. Such happened in Chile and Argentina.

Women are the backbone of Latino families (sorry guys), and as such, these women speak up, walk the walk and protest the return of “the missing one.” Women often face imprisonment, rape, torture, or death, so they leave their countries for safer places. Many try to go to so-called freer nations, facing the dangers of cartel, bandit and military/police oppression as they go.

Women like Azucena Lopez left Nicaragua for many years, hoping that they could return to their homeland, but not be silent, calling for the release of political prisoners, a return of the bodies of “the missing ones” and seek justice for the fallen. Lopez, 54, has experienced threats and assaults from both domestic and Nicaraguan henchmen of the Daniel Ortega while she resides out of her homeland. Her family suffers because both she and they will not be silent.

Over 200,000 civilians have gone missing in Latin America because of the actions of elitist death squads and police/military actions. Police and government authorities will not share information with these families as to the location of their loved ones.

International laws are broken daily, as to the contravention of their nation’s constitutional protections. Newspapers such as LA PRENSA have championed these women and their attempt to bring what is hidden out into the public sunlight. LA PRENSA has been banned and driven to foreign lands. The fight to end terror and tyranny in their nations needs to become a global effort. We need to invite these women and their families into our countries and assist them in any way that we can. True refugees need a helping hand.

Political and economic murders in America: in the past 30 years 500,000 have been murdered by the various cartels, domestic and foreign corporations that acquire the poor’s land through fraud, theft and murder. Being poor and homeless in America can be a death sentence. If poor, the act of sitting in front of a business, or restaurant can bring the owners to hire police or death squads to appear and take you away. You are found in a dump or ditch the next day. If you oppose someone either economically, or politically the very same thing could happen. With poverty, homelessness and destitution common and a growing barometer, lives have less value to many entrepreneurs, police or the wealthy.

“The Missing” is a classification with global significance. In Canada it talks of the missing thousand Aboriginal women and men over the decades that have not been found as of yet. The buried children were entombed near Residential Schools. 50,000 children go missing annually in the USA. The horrors of tribal warfare and political murders in Africa. Anywhere a cartel exists, or does business, many people go missing or die.

Women used to be defenseless, needing the testosterone filled men to protect and provide for them. Not so anymore. The west unleashed women’s possibilities in fields of: science, schooling, business, public service, art and creative sectors, media too. Women seem to be more in tune with family, community and social issues. More empathetic, diplomatic and verbally fluent. You don’t need to be like Azucena Lopez, becoming an activist after losing someone. You can speak up freely, refuse to purchase from, or do business with a tyrant. You can support and assist refugees, raise many of their issues before your public officials. Being a soldier for peace, justice and transparency with accountability requires effort and courage which you have!

So, what needs to happen to you before you will lift a hand to assist, speak up against the political abyss, stop supporting tyrants financially and politically?

A revolution can change the world, whether it be global, national, communal or very personal. An individual can make a difference, and a few individuals gathered together can be a powerful team.

Womanhood Gathering = Massive Empathy = Powerful Solidarity = Democratic Action  Uplifted.

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