Community News

Worldwide Freedom Rally; Preserving our rights, freedoms, and bodily integrity




This past Saturday, March 21st, 2021 was the World Wide Freedom Rally where people all over the world gathered locally to show solidarity to preserve our rights, freedoms, and bodily integrity.

Many cities worldwide participated including a few right here at home. The rally was not an organized event by any groups in particular; most of the gatherings were just everyday people that created online local groups and committed to gathering in solidarity for that day. Our province of Ontario was host to over eight rally locations, Toronto starting at Queens Park, Whitby, Barrie, London, Sudbury, and Timmins to name a few. Many huge gatherings also took place in Australia, the United States, Italy, Sweden, and more.  Many videos can be found on YouTube with footage of the worldwide gatherings.

Thousands were out in the streets of Toronto all unmasked, hugging, talking, smiling, and just feeling normal again. Many masked and double-masked onlookers filmed with their phones from the sidewalks and store shop windows as if it was a strange phenomenon to see people close to each other.

Most rallies worldwide including Toronto went off peacefully. The Toronto police were there and blocked off the roads while the march went on. Places like Australia, London, and Germany saw some push back from the police against the rallies, which resulted in conflict between the police and rally attendees. In Germany police used water cannons, pepper spray and even detained some of the attendees. In London, England, police were hugely outnumbered as the crowd there got up to over 100,000 people, some arrests were made but stayed civil for most of the march. Across Canada, people came out in numbers in every province.

Those who are not willing to: take an experimental gene therapy injection, wear masks, or be subjected to vaccination passports for access to basic services marched with signs and chanted lines like “just say no” as they walked through the streets. After chatting with a few people at the rally in downtown Toronto, I found something kind of special about the diversity of people from all different walks of life that came together to stand for the rights and freedoms of everyone worldwide.

There were people of all races, religions, spirituality, parents, singles; the elder and the young were all there. Though all different, there was one thing in common amongst the people I got to speak with, and that was that they were all 100% never going to take the COVID-19 vaccine.

Most of the concerns people have are their right to choose what goes in their bodies. Some believe that these new injections are modifying how your body works, and many do not agree with that. Some people talked about the validity of the PCR test for detecting the COVID-19 virus, and have concerns that the test is only being used to produce fake positives and keep people in fear.

Vaccine passports seemed to be on everyone’s minds that I spoke with. Many are already not traveling because of being subjected to the PCR Test. With Toronto being so diverse I found that amongst those I spoke with a lot of people are missing their family overseas, and wondered if they would ever see them again.

It was clear that the people at the rallies worldwide are just tired of all the government propaganda and many have lost trust in their governments. Signs at all the protests had messages like, “My body, my choice” and “Freedom is essential.”

The overall message was that these individuals just want to keep their right to choose what medications and medical procedures they have done, and not be penalized for it.

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