Community News

“You are under arrest!” Bill C26 allows you to stand up for your family and your children when the law will not




What a year this has been, and it looks like it is revving up to be a more disturbing 2021.

This year, my work as a journalist has taught me quite a lot about how this world works. I have watched the fall of journalism. I have seen how easily a person’s mind can be manipulated to believe what they are told. I have seen the people on this planet acquiesce to rules and laws that are detrimental to our livelihoods. It has been an overwhelming, terrifying experience that will live in my mind forever.

It has not been completely negative. I have seen groups of people come together, from all religions, cultures, races, and beliefs to fight for what they believe in. I want to introduce to the Toronto Caribbean Newspaper readers, a group of freedom fighters who are actively defending the most vulnerable and defenceless group affected by the pandemic; the children.

The organization Stand4THEE has come together to stand strong against the iniquities that are plaguing people here in Canada. Their mission is to use lawful, peaceful and effective action to end the tyranny of the criminals (government officials) who are actively attempting to take away our rights and freedoms. They are determined that together; we can hold the government, and those who impose their will accountable for their actions using truth and facts.

Their focus is on children because our young ones cannot defend themselves against the criminals that are dictating our lives. As parents you are legally responsible for protecting your children. This legal responsibility is expressly stated under Section 215(1) of the Criminal Code. Bill C26 allows you to stand up for your family and your child (ren) when the law will not.

I want to take a moment to introduce you to the team at Stand4Thee who have decided to assist us in waging this war against the inhumane treatment of the people here in Canada.

Cullen McDonald
Cullen can speak from personal experience when it comes to the devastating affects of vaccines. He has had to overcome several health problems and autoimmune disorders that are a result of vaccines he received as a child. He joined the movement in April 2020, and since then he has successfully launched a national letter writing campaign directed at elected political leaders of Canada. He is the co-founder of Hugs over Masks, and has helped build one of the largest grassroots truth groups in Canada.

Rebecca Sheppard
A certified nutritionist, project manager and wife, Rebecca’s life was put on hold when these lockdowns began. She continues to work tirelessly for the freedom of every individual, and chooses truth over fear, action over complacency and empowerment over victimhood.

Dan Oke
As a noted student of the Classic Martial Arts Centre since 2008, Dan has worked with children, youth and adults with and without special needs throughout the City of Burlington Diversity Department and Autism Ontario. To Dan, everything that has happened in his life has led him to this moment. Now he is able to teach people how to sand up and become the best version of themselves.

Now that we know who they are, let’s talk about the message they are hoping to share with the Toronto Caribbean community. First, let us talk about what a citizen’s arrest is and what needs to be considered when taking this type of action.

A citizen’s arrest is a very serious and potentially dangerous undertaking. Unlike a peace officer, a private citizen is neither tasked with the duty to preserve and maintain public peace, nor generally speaking, properly trained to apprehend suspected criminals. As you know – or have seen shows like COPS – arresting someone usually involves using force to detain them physically. You can also use words that will cause a person to submit. If not done carefully, a citizen’s arrest may have serious unintended physical or legal consequences for those involved.

Under section 494(1) of the Criminal Code, anyone may arrest a person whom they find committing an indictable offence or a person who, on reasonable grounds, they believe has committed a criminal offence and is escaping from and freshly pursued by persons who have lawful authority to arrest that person. The law requires that when a citizen’s arrest takes place, the individual must be delivered to a peace officer without delay. Also, a person is not entitled to use excessive force in a citizen’s arrest.

When you get a chance, I would definitely recommend you visit their website Here they go over details on certain laws pertaining to:

Self-defence and defence of property
Defence of Self and Defence of Others Under sections 34 to 37 of the Criminal Code, states that distinct defences are provided for a person who uses force to protect themselves or another from attack depending on whether they provoked the attack or not and whether they intended to use deadly force.

Defence of Property
Under sections 38 to 42 of the Criminal Code, multiple defences for the “peaceable possessor” of property exist. The use of deadly force is only permitted in very exceptional circumstances — for example, where it is necessary to protect a person from death or grievous bodily harm.

Now, there are specific steps to follow when making a citizen’s arrest. The thought of doing this might be intimidating to some, and for good reason. When you visit there is a link that takes you through a step-by-step process, as well as a script you can use once you are ready to make the call.

The thing to take away from this is that you are not alone. There are people who know the laws and are ready to help you; all you have to do is ask.

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