BY: ALYSSA MAHADEO The weather outside is frightful, and with frigid temperatures comes something all Canadians dread more than having to shovel snow; car troubles. No...
BY: AMY BARROSO This year marks Natasha Bridgmohan’s 15th year in business for herself and as an immigrant woman of colour, coming from humble beginnings, it’s...
BY: KATHY MCDONALD Black History Month has arrived, and it entered with great hoopla and fanfare. I attended several events that day and the sense of...
BY: BRITTNEY CHANNER Writing about social justice issues has always been a challenge for me for several reasons; one of them being that I never wanted...
BY: COLLEEN LINDBERG It’s that time of year that people make resolutions, commitments for change. It’s also the time of year where things might also fall...
BY: VALERIE DYE The issue of increase in the value of matrimonial property becomes relevant when parties try to deal with the sale and division of...
BY: ANDREW STEWART For many people, buying something tends to be both emotional and financial. So, I wondered why do most people view insurance as a...
BY: TRISHA CURLING You have this nagging pain in your back, that seems to flare up just a little bit more after sitting for long periods...
BY: SIMONE JENNIFER SMITH Welcome to African History Month in Toronto, Ontario Canada. As I was sitting down to write this week’s article, I thought about...
The Jamaica Tourist Board (JTB) has announced the appointment of Philip Rose as Regional Director of Tourism, Northeast USA, effective January 1, 2019. Mr. Rose is...