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Caribbean people, join hands together and say no to the Pandemic Treaty!



Photo Credit: Karolina-Grabowska


The World Economic Forum (aka WEF), the World Health Organization (aka WHO), and the United Nations aka UN are making a last-ditch desperate plea to our elected government officials to join them in accepting a Pandemic Treaty that would give up our Sovereign rights as countries and as humans.

Here is what this gang of fraudsters has planned for you and I and our children’s children. Let’s begin…

May 2024 is supposed to be the deadline for all, or enough countries to get on board with the Pandemic Treaty scheme. However, since some countries have already backed out of this scam it seems like the planners are getting desperate, so desperate that they have decided to break into a sprint to ram through and secure critical sections of the Pandemic Treaty to ensure it is accepted by their deadline. They decided on February 19th, 2024, to do a two-week marathon of campaigning in Geneva.

We must never forget that these are the very same folks that teamed up and brought us the COVID-19 gain of function Plandemic. This is our chance to let them know that we are not fools, and as such will not go along to get along.

What do they want from us this time around? Let us find out before it is too late.

These Globalists seek to become the global health authority before “The next Pandemic strikes.” A Pandemic that even before it starts, just like COVID, they will already have all the answers for.

Remember how quickly they had: a vaccine, signs already printed out, standing six feet apart, and all the fake PCR tests ready to go. Not forgetting their lying bought-off media to scare the pants off the people.

Let us keep our eyes on their playbook. This time they are seeking to hold the reins of power in times of crisis, a crisis which they will intentionally create. A crisis to demand billions of dollars in funding for propaganda and power grabs, and if these hoaxers get their wish, then the rest of our lives will be one big Plandemic.

These folks have gotten a taste of power over the last four years and are not inclined to give that up anytime soon. If ratified, this scam of a treaty isn’t just a piece of paper – it will be legally binding and could irreversibly change the face of global health governance.

This is what this criminal enterprise is seeking to seize from the hands of unsuspecting sovereign governments and their citizens:

  • Enhanced control over countries, doctors, hospitals, and other groups impacting their decision-making about health.
  • Authority to make global health decisions, reducing each country’s sovereignty.
  • Ability to declare a pandemic, which could drastically affect our lives and economies.
  • Treaty measures to “combat misinformation.” This could easily abolish free speech as we know it. Just look at the minefield social media have become lately in places like Canada thanks to “Mis-Leaders” like Justin.

By stifling open discussion and criticism, this trend creates an environment where the Pandemic Treaty can be approved without the necessary scrutiny, or public dissent.

Once more, this is not just a European, or a North American takeover, it is a worldwide power grab. There is no hiding place from these DE populationists.

Even in once quiet places like the Caribbean, this ugly bloodsucking octopus called globalism has arrived. What does this tell us? We must stand collectively and deny these monsters the opportunity to rob us of our freedom.

Queen’s University law professor Bruce Pardy could not have said it any better, “This is part of the plan for the next time around, and it goes like this. The WHO takes responsibility for driving the boat, they get authority to declare when a public emergency happens, and to make recommendations that will be binding.”

Countries will promise to put the binding recommendations into place in their own countries. The control is still in the hands of the governments in these countries, but the game I think is that countries will use the WHO’s recommendations as a cover for their own decisions. Example, ‘I am sorry but the WHO has recommended lockdowns, so you have to stay in your house.’ Remember Theresa Tam and Ford?

This so-called “Pandemic Treaty,” if allowed to pass, will provide our politicians with the perfect cover for governments to impose heavy-handed measures, and hide behind health ministers and the WHO’s dress tails.

Once more, if you are from places like the Caribbean islands, you need to be vigilant and make your voices heard too. Over 190 countries and islands have already signed on to the WEF agenda. Do your homework, your island might just be one of them.

Individuals like Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab, Tedros, and our elected politicians, the ones who have sold out to this cult of deceit and theft, the ones who have decided to permit pedophiles to dance naked in front of our toddlers in classrooms need to be rejected now.

There is a petition from CitizenGO that needs your urgent signature to ensure that your voices are heard on this grave matter. Do yourself and your children’s children a favour by saying no to these crimes against humanity. Here is the link below.

A gentle reminder before you sign; Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said that “It is a matter of when, not if for a new unknown disease to emerge.” Remember when Anthony Fauci said that there would be a Pandemic, and then one was created?

Same story, different storyteller.

This article is an appeal to all people including Caribbean folks. Don’t be caught off-guard this time! Please sign here.

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