BY: TRISHA CURLING When I was younger, I remember hearing my grandmother talk about some of the pain she experienced due to her arthritis. I never...
BY: DR. LYDIA THURTON I’ve helped hundreds of patients lose weight. When I first started, I would get incredibly nervous treating weight loss clients. What...
BY: DR. LYDIA THURTON Let’s talk about an under-appreciated aspect of your diet. Fibre. There’s nothing glamorous about it. It’s defined as the indigestible part of...
BY DR. LYDIA THURTON I was nauseous every day for a week until I finally listened to that little voice inside me. It’s hard to define...
BY DR. LYDIA THURTON This week a Mum told me that she wanted her family to eat vegetarian. She wanted to do it properly, ensuring every...
BY DR. LYDIA THURTON “New year, new healthy me.” The ringing in of another year is always a time to reflect and refresh. Being the health...
BY ALLISON BROWN It is estimated that elderly people take an average of seven medications daily. If you think of elderly married couples living together, one...
BY ALLISON BROWN This movement began in Melbourne Australia in 2003. Can you imagine two friends getting together in a bar and literally dared each other...
BY ALLISON BROWN Congratulations to Toronto Caribbean Newspaper for receiving the award for “best print publication”. It is such an honour to be able to write...
BY ALLISON BROWN I recently informed my family that I was writing for the Toronto Caribbean Newspaper. The response was great and I could feel a...