
BUSINESS: Content is Everywhere!



By Jim Pagiamtzis
January 1st, 2014 Edition

The ability to share content on different topics has been done on various platforms from Facebook to Twitter and many more. You have the opportunity to do the same, from sharing your business expertise to insights regarding a specific topic.

“Content is king” attributed to many
In the current social media landscape the ability to share great content has been a daily and weekly practice for many bloggers and news media outlets.
Having the opportunity to share content in your newsletter or website is a great tool allowing you to share your expertise to a wide audience.

Interview entrepreneurs or professionals in your network. This is a strategic way to share topics of interest and give a different perspective to your audience. This can educate and inspire your audience to take action.
The ability to teach and share is a great way to share powerful information to your network and share your resources and experience on future topics

The ability to share information that you have previously presented or shared is a great way to be the resource to your network. Perhaps you have done a podcast or YouTube video that you want to share regarding an important issue from blogging to a picture from a previous event.

Create Your Own Original Content
Creating your own original content is great way to provide fresh new ideas that you can share with your audience and potential clients.

These can be topics from marketing and sales to specific strategies that you can share. This can give you the ability to share your expertise and insights on topics and illustrate your ability to solve an issue or pain point.

There are various ways to use and share content, that will give you the ability to be the resource for your network.

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