Personal Development

COVID-19 has impacted us, but it will not stop us



Photo Credit: Sydney Rae


As the world begins to head back to school, we must think about what positive changes we want to see for ourselves this year. We cannot afford to sit back and watch another year pass by, and we haven’t learned anything from COVID-19.

Some of us had more time than others to plan out our future. Others waited till the last minute. Schools are still working on their safety plan and students have the option to learn online. This year will require a lot of energy and effort on your behalf. Write down how you would like your school year, business quarters and grades to go. Nothing comes to anyone who doesn’t ask for it.

Do you want to improve upon your financial status, mental health and relationships? Write it down, do research and create a vision board of everything you like. Vision boards help you to see what it is you actually want and the ideals that align with your goals. This is a creative way to hold you accountable and is a huge source of motivation. Entrepreneurs, youth, kids and organizations use vision boards as well to support people who need a visual representation in order to understand or be motivated.

In school I was a visual learner, so I completely appreciated creating my own vision board. The great thing about creating a vision board is there is no deadline. You get to decide if you would like to have these goals accomplished within ten years or is this something that will take a lifetime to accomplish.

COVID-19 has impacted youth in school negatively by taking them away from face-to-face learning. This school year parents need to take the time with their kids daily or weekly to discuss school, what they liked, didn’t like so much and goals for this year. It doesn’t matter how much you work because these questions help them work towards goals they have.

Entrepreneurs need to sit down and really think about the impact they wish to see. You will need to focus on more than financial benefits. During the pandemic we saw many important resources cut that supported businesses and organizations, and this left people in a grey area of support. If you focus your energy on impacting lives, opportunities will present themselves, opportunities such as: restaurants reaching out to provide food security for communities, organizations reaching out to facilitate workshops and people reaching out to support you. These will all grow your brand, business and credibility.

This school year it’s time to take charge of your life and reach unexpected limits. It’s going to be scary at first putting what you want on a vision board because many people don’t think about their goals. Many people don’t think about their next meal. This alone will separate you from others and put you on the path to success. This year will be your best year! You will not allow anyone to disturb your peace of mind because you are on a mission.

Stay focused on your goals after creating them and find those who can support you along the way. You will become above average because the top 2% of wealthy people in this world develop healthy habits and routines. These habits consist of daily reading, network volunteer regularly, talk less, know their main focus, access to a mentor, listen more, don’t give up, go above and beyond, set aside limiting beliefs and setting goals, not wishes.

COVID-19 has impacted us, but it will not stop us. I believe in you. You are strong and you deserve to be happy.

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