Junior Contributors

Educating ourselves in a world with endless knowledge is beneficial for us



Photo by Andrea Piacquadio


The world we live in is so unique, that if we take the time to look around us and ponder over it, we’ll be quite surprised to know of our origins. For example, in science class, we’re learning how complex the cell is with all of its organelles and functions, and we’re also learning about cell division. Additionally, one of the most interesting things is our DNA, which holds our genetic instructions, and ultimately makes us who we are.

It makes me wonder how beautiful and amazing the human body is, and how crazy it is that we are made up of trillions and trillions of cells! On that note, to further educate you and myself I’ll provide you with five Interesting scientific facts.

  1. Your brain is constantly eating itself. According to sciencefocus.com, “This process is called phagocytosis, where cells envelop and consume smaller cells or molecules to remove them from the system. Don’t worry! Phagocytosis isn’t harmful but helps preserve your gray matter.” Grey matter is the place where you process sensation, perception, voluntary movement, learning, etc.
  2. We are 0.01% different. Yup, you got that right! We are only 0.01% unique from each other, which means that we are 99.9% the same. It makes me sad to hear that whether people know this or not, so-called “unprivileged” people still face mistreatment and discrimination on a day-to-day basis. I hope this makes us treat our fellow humans justly, and with kindness.
  3. A cloud weighs around a million tons. You know those fluffy and presumed to be light clouds in the sky, well they aren’t. This is because they hold large amounts of water.
  4. Stomach lining cells only last up to two days. The main reason for this is because of the strong pH of the acid in our stomach, which forces these cells to renew itself very often.
  5. Last but not least, similar to the fourth fact, the human stomach can dissolve razor blades. It sounds terrible, but we are more than capable of dissolving razor blades. Acids are classified on a scale from 0 to 14, and the lower the pH level, the stronger the acid is. Get this, the pH level in the stomach ranges from 1-3 which is so strong that it can dissolve a single-edge blade in a few hours of immersion in the stomach acid, as found in a study. So, if you ever swallow a razor blade, you’ll be fine, I guess. I don’t know why you would do that though.

What do you think of these facts? Aren’t they fascinating? Pondering the world around us and taking the time to educate ourselves in a world with endless knowledge is beneficial for us, which is why we should always strive to gain knowledge.

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