Personal Development

Embracing who we are




We are just coming off the opening weekend of the Avengers: Endgame movie which had me in thought about our everyday life. We all have superhero powers. Now I am referencing our talents and skill set that once we hone in on create our uniqueness. We also all have shadows, obstacles, ego, challenges that we must face in order to keep stepping into those skill sets, refining them and experiencing them.

The Avengers movie, although based on action figures and superheroes, brings forth a message for us that we need to start, continue or enhance our own uniqueness. We need to start seeing ourselves for our greatness and not that for which we are supposed to be, but that which we are. We need to fight for what we believe in, step into the game to help out when we are being called.

In this feat of stepping in, it doesn’t mean you won’t come up against people that want completely the opposite things that you do. It doesn’t mean that one of your team members won’t object to your opinion and decide completely to go down another path. It doesn’t mean that you won’t get stuck in a situation that has you questioning your existence, questioning whether you are capable enough, strong enough to continue. And it doesn’t mean that there won’t be days where you just want to quit. All of these things will happen, they might happen all in one day but the real challenge we face in life is to forge through them. It’s to keep the vision of what we are trying to achieve alive and at the forefront of movements that we make. It’s to have the “whatever it takes” mentality that even when it’s tough, even when we feel alone, even when we feel lost, that we will continue on our path to achieve that in which we set out to achieve.

A few key things to help us through:

1) A support team/network. People that know and believe in your dreams and where you are headed. From time to time, you will need to reach out to them to be reminded as to why you are doing it.

2) A clear path as to what you are achieving. Once you know and then you feel it in your heart, you won’t be able to stop even if it does get tough.

3) A willingness to be humble, to surrender and to ask for help. This one is a key one, but certainly for me the hardest. Giving up control to something bigger than you… yep definitely the hardest, but the most powerful out of all of these, because it then comes down to believing that anything is possible.

In your quest for your true path, your true self, and your superpower, I ask you the question “If you knew that you couldn’t fail, would you step all in?” If you said yes, then I would say step in my friend, the time has come for you to help align your path to make your mark on the world. With great power, comes great responsibility, at least that’s how Spiderman sees it and I would have to agree.

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