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Fentanyl for minors and adults in BC courtesy of the Canadian Government



Photo Credit: Chris Arnade. Faces of Addiction


Is there anything safe about offering fentanyl to adults and minors? Well, it seems like the government of British Columbia thinks so, and according to them, plans are on the way to do so. Here is a glimpse of the master plan.

Fentanyl Tablet: Prescribed Safer Supply Protocols,” was developed in collaboration with the provincial government, the British Columbia Centre on Substance Abuse, and a non-profit group called PHS Community Services Society.

Here is what the report proposed if you are under 19 years old. One individual conducts the patient intake interview and another reviews the client’s charts before approval. The report leaves out parental consent and the minimum age requirement.

In a joint statement, Conservative shadow Ministers of Health, Addiction, and Mental Health (Stephen Ellis, Laila Goodridge, and Todd Doherty) called the NDP’s drug policy an “Abject failure.”

These three ministers all slammed Trudeau’s policy saying, “The Trudeau/NDP approach to drug policy is on open display in our streets and is an abject failure. Nowhere is that more obvious than in Vancouver where Trudeau and his NDP friends have allowed drug decriminalization to destroy thousands of lives since 2017.”

Despite a 300% increase in drug overdose deaths in the province, this present government contracted the British Columbia Centre on Substance Use (BCCSU) to enable clinicians to prescribe fentanyl to minors under the guise of ‘safe supply’.

As if this was not enough, the Restricting Public Consumption of Illegal Substances Act, passed by the legislature in November, allows fines and imprisonment for people who refuse to comply with police orders not to consume drugs in certain public places. It was blocked by the B.C. Supreme Court on December 29th, 2023, from being put into effect.

This kind of behavior by our government leaves Canadians to wonder if this country is becoming a place where anything goes.

Chief Justice Christopher Hinkson decided in favor of the Harm Reduction Nurses Association and imposed a temporary injunction until March 31st, 2024, pending a constitutional challenge.

This judge said, “Irreparable harm will be caused,” if the laws come into force. Please get a hold of these Canadians; a judge who allows drug addicts to continue to consume dangerous drugs in public places, places like parks and sidewalks where folks take their children for a stroll. If this kind of derailment is allowed to continue, what is next?

Dr. Leonora Regenstreif, a Hamilton-based addiction physician, has expressed her concerns about how all this is handled. First with the lack of specification when it comes to minimum age, and about youth not having to provide informed consent.

Critics argue that drug-addicted minors may not be capable of making informed decisions due to the impact of addiction on their mental health.

This government provides recreational fentanyl to minors without parental consent yet prohibits parents from involuntarily sending their children to addiction treatment. Actions like this can never be taken without an agenda, and Canadians need to question this agenda vigorously.

While Canadians are seeking answers to this nightmare that has engulfed their country, Health Canada confirmed that it did not play any role in the development of the protocols. However, the federal agency has not responded to questions regarding any objections it may have to providing recreational fentanyl to minors.

I remember a time not so long ago, when it was illegal to have marijuana in your possession here in Canada, and mostly “Black men” were made examples of this through the police and court system.

Now, I have lived to see that the government has become the drug dealers. There is a ganja shop on every corner, and the same governments are profiting big time.

I will not be surprised if I wake up tomorrow and find that Canadian convenience stores have a license to sell “safe coke” to your children. One need not be smart to see where all this is going. The children and the fabric of society are being destroyed from within.

It is in the interest of those with this dystopian agenda to go after the children first. Get them high 24/7 and make it so there are no repercussions for their criminal actions as well; then when they cannot cope mentally, refer them to assisted suicide.

Welcome to Canada!!

For anyone who thinks this is bad, fasten your seatbelt, after all, for a Great Reset to take place, the architects must first destroy things as we know it. Open your eyes Canadians, “this country is under destruction.”

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