Community News

Five simple ways to take back your power during this pandemic



Photo Credit: Priscilla GyamfiHire


“The revolution is not a one-day event, the revolution is millions of people taking a stand!” Unknown

Anyone else tired!

If you are, I have some unfortunate news. The fight for freedom is not over. Based on our current trajectory, it seems inevitable; there is going to be a revolution. We will either continue to sit back and post on our social media pages, or we will recover our moral bearings, and save our countries from collapse. We can no longer hold the centre; there will be a revolution.

Under no circumstance must you allow yourself to be: coerced, bribed, blackmailed, shamed, manipulated, or intimidated into complying with illegal mandates, fabricated laws, and a system that continues to enslave you. I know it is difficult, but you must not be intimidated by what you see on television, what you hear on the news, or what you read in the newspapers. Remember, the revolution will not be televised, and we must act in small, subtle ways in order to maintain our freedom.

How do we do this? Below are five simple ways to take back your power during this pandemic. Most of this information is redundant, but it is imperative that we are aware of how simple it is to take a stand.

Support Local Businesses
“Revolution is not a dinner party, not an essay, nor a painting, nor a piece of embroidery; it cannot be advanced softly, gradually, carefully, considerately, respectfully, politely, plainly or modestly.” Mao Tse-Tung

We have to stop funding the beast! What does that mean? It means that we have to stop funding the big box stores, and the big brands. It is sad to say, but many of the products that we buy from these stores and brands are loaded with toxins, and preservatives not meant for human consumption. It is better to shop locally, visit local farms, stock up on healthy, non-toxic products that are more affordable and are manufactured locally.

Develop Homeschooling Programs
“Revolution is an abrupt change in the form of misgovernment.” Ambrose Bierce

So, you have been told that your children have to wear a mask in school, and soon, they will be mandating the COVID-19 vaccines. I have heard stories of indoctrination that is occurring while children are in school. What can parents do? Get them out of the schools and start home-schooling programs. For single mothers, begin to look for home-schooling programs in your area. If there is not one, now is the time to put things in action. Begin to speak with other parents and see what can be arranged. Have community meetings discussing creative ways to establish a home-schooling program.

If you are not in a position to home school, take the fight to the school board. Get a group of parents who also want to take a stand and challenge them.

 No Masks Required Here!
“It may be impossible to have a revolution without crimes, but that does not make revolution a crime.” Jose Bergamin

Small business owners, you can help members of your community identify that you as well are taking a stand. Tape a sign to the front door of your home and/or business that says, “No Masks Required Here.” This leaves it as an option, not a bylaw mandate that only highlights the aspects that the government is trying to propagate.

What this does is signal that you are not buying into the submission and lies. Imagine if millions of businesses and homeowners posted a sign like this. Powerful!

The Precinct Strategy
“The revolution is not something fixed in ideology, nor is it something fashioned to a particular decade. It is a perpetual process embedded in the human spirit.” Abbie Hoffman

I know, politics suck, but the first step to taking back our government is by electing better people, taking back the parties, or creating new ones. At the local level, there are very important positions to be filled that help communities, and those who have been looked over for far too long. Nothing changes until you change. There is work to be done both inside the system, and outside the system.

There is a way forward. We have to have leaders and individuals that will actually fight for us. We won’t get that with the current structure in place. We need a new structure; we need people like you and me.

Buying Smart, is not so Smart!
Revolution is not the uprising against pre-existing order, but the setting up of a new order contradictory to the traditional one.” Jose Ortega Y Gasset

Stop buying all those smart devices – it’s not so smart. All of those smart products you have could soon be controlled remotely. These products have cameras and recording devices, all things that are able to track your behaviour, track your spending, and track your life.

I don’t know about you, but I do not want the government in my life like that. They already have too much insight into our lives; do we willingly want to give them more?

We have to continue to share information with everyone we know to make them aware of what is really transpiring, and how we can cut our own path forward. Stop with the distractions, the noise, and ignore the intimidation. Do what is important for your family by building a strong foundation. Build on your financial security, stock away food, make provisions for your home and community, while brilliantly navigating and protecting yourself and your family.

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