
Happy Cancer season star family! Welcome home to you!



Photo Credit: William Farlow


Happy Cancer season star family!  I pray you are all well. We have shifted seasons from the airy season of Gemini into the fresh waters of Cancer. Get the tissue box; you might need it!

Cancer is our first water sign of the zodiac. The water element highlights our intuitive insight, our emotions, more so our emotional: safety, security and our sense of belonging. Cancer is also a divine feminine element, influencing how we connect to feminine energy, mothering and the womb. If we take a look at the symbolism around cancer, it is usually depicted as the crab. The crab is dual in nature in that it can navigate both water and land; it has its home on its back, referencing finding a home within us, and lastly the claws as a symbol of protection.

We can learn from Cancer the importance of processing our emotions to strengthen our intuition and heighten our sense of belonging by having our emotional needs met. Emotions like water can be hard to navigate at times. They can feel heavy and overwhelming; they can carry us to peaks of joy and down to the depths of despair. It can be quite tempting to disconnect from the waves of our emotions to find a footing on solid ground. However, when we disconnect from our emotions, we are disconnecting from our safety and intuition.

Cancer rules the 4th house of astrology. The 4th house represents the home and how our childhood home impacts the way we feel at home in our current lives. When our emotional needs are met, it allows us to feel safe. We learn early in childhood from our parents, caregivers and family appropriate ways to have our needs met, sometimes these ways are detrimental to our upbringing. As children of Afro-Caribbean parents, many of us grew up hearing to be seen and not heard, or we should do as we are told and don’t dare talk back. Most of the things we were taught were not done maliciously, they were passed down as a means of protection for our well-being. However, after internalizing such messages over a period of time, helps to shape how we get our emotional needs met in our current lives.

Being seen and not heard can now play out as an inability to advocate for our needs. We tend to conform, or people please to have our needs met. As children speaking up might have been met with punishment, so as adults we swallow our needs in hope to be received and feel a sense of belonging. Repressing our emotions over time is what causes our shadows and triggers. Our repressed emotions keep us playing small and playing it safe to feel at home with others when the goal should be feeling at home within ourselves.

On July 3rd, we have our first full super moon of the season in Capricorn. Capricorn is the last earth sign of the zodiac. She holds the waters of emotions that we have trapped in the depths of our beings. Allow yourself to be cracked open under this moon. Allow yourself to feel all your feelings knowing you are safe and protected within. When we can feel and trust the messages that our emotions bring, we can start to trust the intuitive messages from the universe. Emotions are energy in motion; they need to express themselves. Keeping them stuffed down inside will eventually manifest as dis-ease in our bodies. Cancer rules the stomach, womb and the breasts.  Holding onto unprocessed emotions can show up as: a disruptive gut health, menstrual cycle abnormalities and anxiety in our chest area.  Let it go and let it flow.

The crab can help us navigate the waters of our emotions (Cancer) and ground them in a meaningful way that produces a system of structure for dealing with our feelings. (Capricorn).

Surrender to you under this Capricorn full moon. Allow your emotions to rise to the surface, feel the feels, ride the waves of emotions, there is a message of belonging there for you. Take what you need to fulfil your needs and bury the past in the past. Our childhood indeed impacts who we are now, but you have the power to re-parent, restructure and redesign your life on your terms. You no longer live at People Pleaser Avenue; you have outgrown the victimhood. Embrace your estate of peace, emotional safety, intuitive insight and home within our unconditional love.

Welcome home to you!

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