Personal Development

I’d travel the sea to find you




Have you ever felt this way before for someone else? That you would go to the ends of the earth to find them, explore with them and be with them? I ask you the question today would you do the same for yourself? Would you go to the depths of the emotions, to the farthest part of the world for discovery and would you challenge yourself to align yourself with self-love and that never-ending love that we hope to find in others?

It’s an interesting concept if you think about it. Most of us are looking for that one great love. That takes your breath away love and we already have it, it’s inside us. Self-love is a common theme these days in the personal development realm. You are hearing and seeing it everywhere. But what is it really?

Self-love is that never-ending, always accepting, love that I have for me. It’s the love that even when I put on 10 pounds, or scar my face or fail miserably at launching a product, that I can still turn to myself and say “I love you still”. It’s the foundation love that gives you confidence, self-respect and most of all really makes you understand what you are worth.

Until you really love yourself, you will not be able to fully love others. There will always be a disconnect there for you. Something will be missing or nagging or pulling at that relationship until you step in and truly love yourself. At this moment in time, it’s like you get the feeling that no matter what everything will always be ok because you have you. Such a powerful position to be in. As I write this for you today, I reflect back on times in my life where I have sacrificed myself for others. Where I lowered my standards just to try and be liked or loved or even accepted. If you look around at your life right now you might see that reflection for you. It’s a hard pill to swallow and it’s a hard one to move out of, but trust me when I say, self-love is so worth it.

A few things to try for yourself… how about telling yourself that you love yourself every day. Write out a list of qualities that you love about yourself. Stand in front of a mirror naked with no judgment (the hardest one). Every day before you hit the hay, reflect on the day and tell yourself about how proud you are of you, what you did today and the things you will change tomorrow.

I am not naïve enough to think this will all change on a dime for people, but I am naïve enough to think that small movements and actions forward yield exponential results. The challenge is always is starting. Self-love is the greatest journey of all in this world, it’s the foundation love of life. It will always be something you will work on as you evolve as your person, but remember you are love, you are light and most of all you are choosing, so choose you. Love you… and then you will be loved by others.

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