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If the average Canadian needs to tighten their finances, so do the government and our celebrity elites



Photo by Joy Real on Unsplash


It takes the French to stand up and work out a scheme to end the scourge of price increases, inflationary terrorism, and putting an end to corporate profiteering. The French Directorate of Competition, Consumer Affairs and Fraud Prevention (DGCCRF) has enacted legislation encouraging and in some cases forcing global agreements between manufacturers, distributors and grocers to stand by a demand that “Prices will not increase or decrease this fall,” for some 5,000 products.

Bruno Le Marie announced negotiations between over 75 of France’s largest manufacturers and supermarkets for the 2024 period to hold prices stagnate. These industrialists are now involved in tariff negotiations with the Federal Government to freeze tariff increases. The public has been heard, and the French Government means to end the continual price increases whether caused by inflation or outright profiteering.

Has the Canadian government done the same? Sure, they have had committee meetings with the big six grocers, but nothing has come of it. Grocers claiming to make from 2 – 4% profit from their sector have accumulated massive profits in 2023. Over a billion dollars collectively.

The Weston’s of Canada continue to send their profits offshore and the French government has issued orders to find out what has been squirreled away in Switzerland, Luxemburg, the Canary Islands and other offshore centers. Will Canada’s government do the same? It is estimated that 4.5 billion dollars of taxable income from Canadian sources are hidden somewhere other than Canada. Is the privilege of the rich and famous, or is it taxation fraud?

Is it not enough to have the government lecture Canadians that they are far too deep into personal debt, while the Canadian elite continues to give the public the finger and carry on like it was 2000. If the average Canadian needs to tighten their finances, so do the government and our celebrity elites.

The pandemic brought us the murder of Floyd, the Black Lives Matter Movement, aboriginal oppression, wars and terror both domestic and international. We the public deserve: justice, financial fairness, and a hand in our so-called democracy.

To the wealthy financial abusers and users that control our land, your day has come. Pay up or get the hell out of here.

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