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INFLUENCING POSITIVITY Queens Rising Hosts Enlightening Symposium in the 6ix




As 2016 draws to a close we find ourselves reflecting on the past year looking back in reflection of what we have accomplished in our lives. For many of us it feels like the year has flown by; we have experienced a year of ups and downs, starting new chapters, building relationships, working on personal development and maybe even taking risks that we once would have been too afraid to consider.

At the end of every year many of us make New Year’s resolutions, approaching the new year with that “starting fresh’ mentality. Setting a goal for the new year helps us to set our course for the year ahead and hopefully discover what we hope to achieve with the time before us.

In preparation for the New Year, Queens Rising Together and Love INCS hosted the first ever Symposium in the 6ix, a soulful day of sisterhood, self love and awareness, an event chock full of insightful topics that explored the inner workings of the mind, knowing your worth and investing in personal development.

Queens Rising is a concept that was developed earlier this year, by Dianna Jerry owner and founder of Love INCS a consulting agency that works to help aspiring entrepreneurs, ambitious women and resilient mothers embrace the love within and create a fulfilling lifestyle they love.

The idea of Queens Rising is to acknowledge that all women are considered royalty, and they should learn to see themselves a force to be reckoned with as they are influencers of the world and masters of their craft.

“It’s hard for women to come together, it’s always about competition whether it’s in the workforce or being an entrepreneur, women are always trying to be better than one another,” Jerry shares of her own observation of women in the working world today.

“What I really wanted to showcase through Queens Rising is that there is more power when women come together, the more we come together and the more we support each other we can do bigger things and we can help the world on a bigger scale.” Jerry explains.

The Symposium in the 6ix was just the outlet she needed to bring those women together and start building something that could influence and help women to show appreciation in sisterhood, to use it as a tool in becoming the best version of themselves. Throughout the day, the group gathered to discuss various themes including spreading positivity in their everyday life starting with oneself, and sharing it with others. The symposium consisted of a lineup of share shops, speakers and interactive workshops that allowed all the women involved to connect on a more intimate level, to understand and support each other while cultivating healthy and long lasting relationships with one another. They symposium not only spoke to the bond of sisterhood, but also the practice of gratitude, showing appreciation, practicing patience, being present and seeing the world with fresh eyes each new day.

The hustle and bustle of everyday life, hectic work schedules or personal issues that affect the wellbeing of our mental health drain and consume us taking away from being proactive, allowing for illness or depression to take hold. By implementing the teachings of daily positive reinforcement, as well as learning healthy and proactive ways to cope with everyday stress and emotions we can unlock our true potential and be a better brighter and more productive version of ourselves.

The ladies that were fortunate to attend gained valuable lessons about taking control of and mastering their own lives. They were able to hear from experts in the field speaking about how to change their thought systems and create positive actions, habits, outcomes and discover beliefs that they didn’t even know existed. This holistic approach encouraged participants to become more in tune with themselves and reconnect to the earth through nature. They were exposed to music therapy and self expression through an exciting and introspective African drumming circle and were encouraged to embrace their body, mind and soul letting the music and movement flow through them with a reenergizing salsa lesson.

“I found myself taking more of an interest in wellness after my mother passed away from cancer,” shared Jerry.

“This workshop is an extension of my own company to give back and help women embrace their talents. As women, we do so much, we get to a point where we give, give give and never give back to ourselves and I hope this can be a way for women to get back to self love and reconnect with themselves.”

The overall theme of the day settled on inspiration and education. Learning to be emotionally intelligent, understanding that failure is a part of the journey to success and making solution driven instead of ego driven results. In our adult lives, we forget what it means to dream, we get caught up in details that hold us back, making excuses inevitably putting up roadblocks that prevent things from happening. Queens Rising wants to break that cycle, bring you back from low points in your life to appreciate the little things that will allow you the ability to improve on your quality of life.

Looking forward to the years ahead Jerry hopes to take her company Love INCS worldwide, building wellness centers where women will be able to come to receive healing and support as needed. You can find out more about her company here: to connect and discover the steps you can take to make your passion and ideas into your paycheck.

What will your New Year resolution be? How will you make your mark and leave a legacy in the world next year? Perhaps it’s time to sit down and create a vision board to your success.

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