
It’s How You Spin It




Chakras are our energy centers, the Sanskrit word literally translates to wheel or disc. They are the openings for life energy to flow in and out of our auras. There are seven main chakras that are responsible for the balance in our beings. Generally speaking, the desired direction for your chakras to spin is clockwise indicating balance with a counter-clockwise chakra indicating an imbalance. Ideally all chakras will be spinning at an even and steady pace.

The 7th chakra is known as the Crown Chakra or Sahasrara and is located at the top of the crown. This chakra represents the highest level of consciousness and enlightenment. It is the chakra that allows us to go into a different state such as meditation and access peace and serenity.  The color associated with it is violet or white.

The 6th chakra is known as the Third Eye Chakra or Ajna and is located just above the eyebrows in the center of your forehead. This chakra represents your intuitive eye and spiritual vision. The opening of the third eye leads to enhanced spiritual awareness. The color associated with it is indigo.

The 5th chakra is known as the Throat or Visuddha and is located in the throat. This chakra represents self-expression and speaking your authentic truth.  It is also known as the center of communication. The color associated with it is light blue.

The 4th chakra is known as the Heart or Anahata and is located in the center of the chest in proximity to the heart. This chakra represents love, compassion and unconditional affection. It is the bridge that connects the lower chakra energies with the higher chakra energies. The colors associated with it are green and pink.

The 3rd chakra is known as the Solar Plexus Chakra or Manipura and is located slightly above the naval. This chakra represents the center for unrefined emotion and personal power.  It is linked to our self-esteem and self worth.  The color associated with it is yellow.

The 2nd chakra is known as the Sacral Chakra or Swadhisthana and is located slightly below the naval. This chakra represents the center for creating relationships. These relationships include our relationship with ourselves, our ego, family and sexuality. It also regulates how supported we feel. The color associated with it is orange.

The 1st chakra is known as the Root Chakra or Muladhara and is located at the base of the spine. This chakra represents the foundation of our physical vitality and our fundamental urge to survive. It is linked to our basic needs for survival, such as food and shelter. The color associated with it is red.

Imbalances in any of these chakras can lead to physical, emotional and mental disharmony. You can have your chakras balanced by an energy healer or you can use sound therapy which is available online.  By gaining an awareness of your chakra health you can empower yourself to prevent illness and disease, so start spinning in the right direction.

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