Personal Development

Just leave it all behind and move to California




You must be asking yourself “What?”, I know right? I actually did this. Really I did. I sold everything or donated what I couldn’t sell and then got a small storage unit for a few boxes and off I went to California.

Why do I write about this today? Well, I sit in my first full day in California today reflecting on life, the decisions that I have made and the choices that got me right to this moment in time. So, with that, I want to give you my top three takes from this move and how it can be applied in everyday life.

1) Have the courage to make the decisions that could change your life and/or that scare the crap out of you.

As I read over all the social media posts and comments people have made to me they say “Wow you are courageous.” I never actually thought about this that way. But thinking about it I guess they are right. It takes courage to pick up and leave all the security that you know of and move to a place where you know no one. You have no connections at all, except this little whisper that says go. It’s a really cool experience but it does take courage to just shift and throw it all in.

2) There are always people in your life willing to help if you just ask

Sometimes we don’t recognize the support that we have in our lives. We live sometimes so in our days that we forget to reach out, forget to say hi, forget to connect. This trip has allowed me to reach out to people that I haven’t in a long time. Saying “goodbye for now” is sometimes hard and people that I haven’t seen or spoken to in years have shown up for me. It’s been amazing and makes my heart full, but really sometimes we don’t even know what kind of support we have, you just have to reach out.

3) You are so much stronger than you think

I came up against obstacles, too many to even write about. That’s how many. Through it all, the underlying message always came back was “You got this”. You can handle this. We as humans sometimes don’t give ourselves enough credit for the things that we can accomplish. We get sidetracked by the little distractions or those small ounces of fear and it clouds us from stepping in. When really stepping in was actually easier than running away. If you actually look back at all things that you have been through, it just might amaze you at how strong you really are.

I heard once on a movie, it takes one second of courage to change your life, that one small decision. I made a big decision that is going to change mine, what about you? What are you willing to do today to step into that tomorrow that you have been wanting? I think I’ll leave you with that thought this week.

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