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Medicating us against our will; the documented hazards of fluoride “You can repair a cavity, but you can’t repair a child’s brain”



Photo Credit: George Becker


For most of us drinking a glass of water comes naturally without thinking about what is really in the water that we consume. The same can be said of brushing our teeth with toothpaste.

Let’s face it, who looks at the ingredients in a tube of toothpaste in the morning before putting it on the toothbrush? Well, maybe we all should do a bit of looking into these simple things before we consume them.

“There is a toxin in our tap water, and it’s being piped into our homes without our permission.”

As citizens, we are being told that the purpose of having fluoride in our drinking water is to protect our teeth from cavities and reduce our intake of harmful germs, but is it?

Keep in mind that with this ‘free dental care’, there is no control over the total dose given to each individual, and without any regard to the individual’s health status, not to mention monitoring individuals for adverse reactions.

As it stands, water fluoridation does the opposite of what it is said to be doing. It causes damage to the teeth, and court findings in three landmark court cases have recognized that water fluoridation is responsible for cancer in individuals. Fluoride also damages the bones, therefore, adding fluoride to the drinking water of any nation is a form of forced medicating a people.

There is no safe level for adding fluoride to drinking water because of its man-made chemical content (EPA MCLG of zero), such as arsenic and lead.

Another way that more than one generation is being assaulted is when pregnant women consume this deadly additive in their drinking water.

In 2017 and 2018, top U.S. government-funded studies published by a universal team of public health departments found that fluoride exposure during pregnancy is linked to lower IQs and increased ADHD symptoms.

These maternal fluoride exposures in these studies were extremely similar to those for pregnant women in Canadian fluoridated cities, reported by a team from York University in 2018.

This study caused a series of (FOI) Freedom of Information requests from Fluoride Free Peel associates to various institutions in: Ontario, Alberta, and Washington State, asking for the primary, peer-reviewed scientific studies assuring the public that fluoridated water is safe for everyone.

Sadly, as predicted, every institution failed to provide, cite, or point towards even one primary study showing evidence of safety during pregnancy with respect to childhood IQ or ADHD symptoms.

What makes this more troubling is that as recently as August 2019, another high-quality government-funded study was published revealing that higher fluoride exposure in pregnant Canadian women is associated with lower IQs in their children. Find evidence here

We found that fluoride in drinking water was the major source of exposure for pregnant women living in Canada. Women living in fluoridated communities have two times the amount of fluoride in their urine as women living in non-fluoridated communities,” said Christine Till, an associate professor of Psychology in York’s Faculty of Health and lead author on the study.

It is not just fluoridated water that is a concern here, other sources of fluoride can include toothpaste, mouth rinses, as well as processed beverages and food, especially those made with fluoride contaminated water. Even products such as tea have been found to have high concentrations of natural fluoride.

A few years ago, a study covering almost all of England’s fluoridated water had nearly twice as high a prevalence of hypothyroidism (low thyroid level), which has been linked to IQ deficits. The authors of this study concluded, “There is substantial cause for public health concern.”

Study after study over the years has revealed that fluoride use in consumable products has caused harm to humans particularly in the brain department.

A scientific review of EPA’s standards made some recommendations that need to be followed in order to keep fluoride use in check:

  • Based on information largely derived from histological, chemical, and molecular studies, it is apparent that fluorides can interfere with the functions of the brain and the body by direct and indirect means
  • To determine the possible adverse effects of fluoride, additional data from both the experimental and the clinical sciences are needed
  • Studies of populations exposed to different concentrations of fluoride should be undertaken to evaluate neurochemical changes that may be associated with dementia. Consideration should be given to assessing effects from chronic exposure, effects that might be delayed or occur late in life, and individual susceptibility
  • The possibility has been raised by the studies conducted in China that fluoride can lower intellectual abilities. Thus, studies of populations exposed to different concentrations of fluoride in drinking water should include measurements of reasoning ability, problem solving, IQ, and short-and long-term memory.

It is important to note that fluoride is absorbed by the sublingual vein under the tongue when brushing with fluoridated toothpaste, and through the skin while bathing. There are many other sources of fluoride exposure besides your tap water.

What should you do to protect yourself?

  • One can find another water source or invest in expensive water filtration equipment
  • Purchase water
  • Find a local clean source
  • Invest in reverse osmosis, a distiller, bone-char filters, or ion exchange, which is equivalent to desalination of seawater.

To end fluoridation citizens must hold their governments accountable. This means going after the local branches of these governing bodies like councils and following up these interactions right up to the highest office.

Politicians and medical personnel need to know that nobody has the right to medicate you against your will, especially without a medical prescription and without a diagnosed disease or to poison you with toxic waste.

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