Professional Development

Money 11 Transcribed – Part 1




I was speaking with some people who were finding it difficult to “find a job”. They indicated that they had been out of work for almost a year and that they were now on government assistance. I asked them a question.. “have you ever considered entrepreneurship in order to fill the gap while you are going through the interview process seeking out the type of employment that you desired?” They looked at me bewildered and said “we’re not business people”.  I retorted “are you willing to learn something new, or do something different in order to change your situation?”. I explained to them that there is a saying called “ADAPT OR DIE. Any organism that fails to adapt to changes in its environment will cease to exist…are you willing to adapt? Are you willing to learn something new? Or are you content to just slowly die, depending on the system to take care of you and living an existence that is far beneath your actual potential?”  They agreed that they would be willing to adapt.

This article will be a three part series. In order for me to give you the best I’ve got you’re going to need to follow along in order to get the full article. What I’m about to share is not just for unemployed people. The truth is that many of you who are reading this may be on jobs that you would rather not be doing. You are yearning for a change, but may be afraid to make a move because you have to pay your bills. Play close attention to what I am sharing and get some ideas that can help you transition from what you are doing right now, to doing something that will give you a true sense of fulfillment in addition to a pay-cheque.  

Yes you can go from being unemployed or employed to be being an entrepreneur/independent business person. Depending on where you are financially right now will determine the direction you need to take in the immediate term. If you have savings behind you, you are in a totally different situation than someone who is about to get evicted and can’t pay the electricity bill.

One of the areas I think a lot of people should consider if they are unemployed is direct sales and network marketing. There is no shortage of any company looking for people who can get out there and do a good job representing their products or services. You can be an independent contractor as opposed to doing it as an employee. As an example, in network marketing or direct sales, there are companies that go business to business, or door to door, or person to person using warm marketing referral to sell just about anything. You’ve got an opportunity where you can start to generate some revenue right away. In many cases you could be earning $500-$1000 a week in very short order. In many cases it can be done inside of 1-2 months. How do I know? Because I help people do it every day.

Some of you are saying to yourselves…”I’m NOT a sales person”. My question to you is “have you ever referred somebody to a movie, party, restaurant, hair salon, stores etc?”…Your answer is of course “YES I HAVE”… My question is “Did you get paid for the referral?”…lol..your answer is likely “No I DIDN’T”. Referring is SELLING! You didn’t look at it as though it was sales because you didn’t get paid, but you DID in fact sell or share and idea to your friends, family and or colleagues. Selling is SHARING ideas, products, goods and services with others. Let go of the idea that there is something “sinister” about selling. It is an invaluable skill that anyone can develop. The truth is that we are all salespeople whether we recognize it or not. Let’s start getting paid for adding value to other people’s lives.  I am not suggesting that if you have full time employment that you should just quit your job and jump into a new industry where you have little to no experience. The concepts I’m sharing usually can be done on a part-time basis to start. Get some experience and build up to the point where you have a real alternative option. This concludes part one. See you in the next issue. Have a POWERFUL Day!

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