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Our world governments are masters in the science of coercion; Steps on how to brainwash the world



Photo by Steward Masweneng on Unsplash


“If you saw your friend jump off a bridge, would you?”

This was and still is a common question asked by parents when their children are mimicking the actions of their peers. The reply to this question is usually “No,” but after this year, I am tempted to believe that the answer given is done to protect a person’s ego.

A lot of us think that our actions are governed by our own thoughts, and how we feel. Our ego tells us that we are autonomous and that how we live our lives is internally driven. Unfortunately, the pandemic has shown us that this is not the case, and readers, I want you to innerstand that what has occurred is not only sinister, but it caught many of us off guard.

In saying that, my job as a journalist is not only to hold the governments around the world accountable, and to also educate my community to ensure that you are aware of what is happening around the world, and what is happening with you.

What the last two years have shown us is that our world governments are masters in the science of coercion. Through the use of his speeches and propaganda, they were able to bend the will of ordinary people into submission and create an obedient society ready to carry out orders, no matter how absurd they might be. This in simple terms is what psychologists like to call brainwashing.

The term brainwashing was first coined in the 1950’s during the Korean War. It was used to explain how totalitarian regimes were able to completely indoctrinate American soldiers through a process of torture and propaganda. Brainwashing is the theory that a person’s core beliefs, ideas, affiliations and values can be replaced, so much so that they have no autonomy over themselves and cannot think critically or independently.

Brainwashing is most effective when people are vulnerable in some way. This could include people that have:

  • Lost their loved one through divorce or death (COVID-19 death counts)
  • Been made redundant or sacked from their job
  • Been forced to live on the streets (especially young people)
  • Are suffering from an illness they cannot accept

I want to take this time to introduce you to a social psychologist by the name of Gustave Le Bon who published several works and was considered an authority on the psychology of crowds. Le Bon posted that once individuals came together to form a group, the individual surrendered to what was perceived to be the will of the group. Their faculties of reasoning is impaired or destroyed, and they enter into a more suggestible state. The larger the group, the easier they are to coerce.

Our global governments had a very specific structure, which they used for delivering their messages in order to capitalize on the susceptibility of the global community. The first thing they did is point out the commonality of the people so that he could instantly unify the group. “By wearing a mask, and socially distancing yourself, you are helping to stop the spread of COVID-19. You are the responsible ones”

The next step was to identify a threat to that commonality to put the group on edge, and stir up the emotions of fear and anger. “We have to stand up against anti-vaxxers, and anti-maskers who spread misinformation.”

The third and most important step was to invoke a higher power (Dr Fauci, Bill Gates), and appoint them as agents of that higher power (World Governments). Once the majority of the world’s population believed this, then the last two steps were easy: give the higher power’s “solution” to that threat to the commonality (censor dissenters of COVID-19) and proclaim that carrying out the solution would be a victory for both the commonality and the higher power. “Only you can stop the spread.”

Methods like the ones above were perfectly executed by Adolf Hitler. He discussed those and other ways to brainwash a group in his book Mein Kampf. His eight points were:

  1. Keep the dogma simple. Make only One or two points (wear a mask, and take your vaccine)
  2. Be forthright and powerfully direct. Speak only in the telling or ordering mode (reduce the spread)
  3. As much as possible, reduce concepts down into stereotypes which are black and white (anti-masker, anti-vaxxer)
  4. Speak to people’s emotions and stir them constantly
  5. Use lots of repetition; repeat your points over and over again (buy out mainstream media)
  6. Forget literary beauty, scientific reasoning, balance, or novelty (just trust the science)
  7. Focus solely on convincing people and creating zealots
  8. Find slogans which can be used to drive the movement forward (“Trust the Science”)

I want readers to innerstand, overstand, and understand that this was a very well put together plan, and many of us did not expect it, which is why it was so beautifully executed, but now that we know better, we must do better!

There are things you can do to stop yourself from being brainwashed:

  • Don’t believe all that you read
  • Don’t believe the hype
  • Don’t buy into fear or scare tactics
  • Watch for someone’s agenda
  • Look out for subliminal messages
  • Follow your own path
  • Do your own research
  • Listen to your own intuition
  • Don’t follow the crowd
  • Don’t be afraid to be different

It is time that we wake up, take a stand, and fight against government induced propaganda and brainwashing.

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