
Reflection Time; 10 questions to help you reflect on 2018!




Can you believe it? It is the end of the year already, and 2019 is fast approaching. This is usually the time that I like to reflect on what I have learned in my year. What lessons have I learned from my mistakes? What have I done for myself to continue my evolution? What have I done in terms of service for my community? Finally, what changes do I need to make for this upcoming year? Reflection is needed because if not, we continue to just exist not live. It is of vital importance to review your life and to see how you continue to be an impact on your family, your friends and your society. This week I want to present to you some prompts that will help with this reflection process.

Where did you encounter struggles this year, and what did you do to deal with it?

We all have our share of struggles in life, and at times it seems impossible to deal with. Look back at your struggles and write them down. Remember the feelings that came with the struggles and think about how you dealt with them. This is a great practice because you already know that next year will bring its share of burdens. If you can reflect on how you dealt with it this year, it will make dealing with future issues with greater ease.

What is frustrating you? How do you plan to deal with that frustration?

What is currently frustrating you? Be honest with yourself, or you are going to carry these same frustrations into the New Year. Analyze how you have been dealing with your frustrations. Is it working for you, or is it just causing further frustration? Become aware of your coping deficiencies and begin to find different ways in which to deal.

What made you curious this year? How does learning feel different when you’re curious?

Every day we are learning whether we regard the lessons or not. Your mind is stimulated by curiosity, and this prompts future learning. Once you did learn something, I am almost sure that it only prompted further questions. This is a good sign that you are growing.

What do you want to learn more about, and why?

Now is the time to take what you learned into further consideration. Nothing just happens in life; it is all in divine order; you just have to acknowledge how this order will play out in your life. Take the time to further self through education.

What lessons were learned from failure this year?

Oh boy! This is a difficult one. The lessons from failure hurt the ego the most. It is acknowledging again that you are human, and that you will make mistakes. The glory of mistake is that you can correct them and become a wiser, stronger individual.

What can/should you do with what you know?

Through all this failing and learning, you have to implement all the lessons in your day-to-day life. This is another opportunity to document your year and take the lessons learned to further yourself. This is not selfish if you are doing so in order to be a better person for your community.

What are your next steps? Which of those steps will come easiest?

The next steps are crucial; they are going to determine how your New Year will look. Work from the hardest task to the least; deny your gratification in order to move through your stages successfully.

Where will the terrain become rocky?

You have to be realistic; difficulties will come in this journey of life. There will be mountains and molehills. How you navigate them will be determined by what you have learned in this last year. Documentation of failures and success are necessary in order for you to truly have an innerstanding of your journey.

What can you do now to navigate the road ahead with the most success?

I have mentioned documentation a few times throughout this article. I encourage you to write things down. There is a little more downtime during the holidays and using this time to reflect is essential. I want you all to continue to be successful, regardless of where you are in your journey.  Respectfully, Simone Jennifer Smith

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