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A Better Tomorrow

Success; Are you Truly Prepared for Your Success

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TORONTO! Stand up, my people! First, I am proud to be part of the greatest community in the world; second, I am humbled to be living in one of the most proactive cities in the world. I share my life experiences with my community because I have learned that applied knowledge is power. I have applied all that I have learned, and I want to teach my community how to do the same thing. The actual saying is knowledge is power, but what good is knowledge if it is not applied; at that point, it is just theory.

This week I want to talk about preparing yourself for your success. I speak on this because I have just completed one of the most successful weekends of my life. Now, everyone’s level of success or thoughts of success are different, so when reading this article, I want you to apply this to how you view your success. Perspective is everything and understanding your personal perspective is the first step. I am exhausted; really exhausted and this is why I thought providing some of my personal perspectives would be helpful. We all want success, yet many of us do not know how to achieve it, and when it does come, we don’t know what to do with it.

It is easy to get overwhelmed when it is happening because it happens so fast. This weekend I had the opportunity to see a glimpse of my future, and to be honest, I am a little afraid. This fear has crafted this article as well as the steps I must take in the upcoming months to adapt to what I have always wanted; ultimate success. It all started on Thursday night when I received a call from Trish Browning, one of the owners at Carib101 Media Corp. “Simone, would you be able to adjust your schedule to do an interview with Allison Hines?” My initial reaction was, shoot! I have such a busy day tomorrow; I don’t know if I will be able to do this. I told Trish that I would call her back, and sat there for a minute. Within that minute, I weighed the pros and cons; I weighed the money that I would be losing if I did the interview, then I thought about what I would be gaining by doing the interview. Within that minute, I had to make one of the most important decisions of my life.

I called her right back, “Trish, I will be there.” One thing that I realized in that minute was that you have to look at the bigger picture. We get stuck in our routines and begin counting pennies. I knew right away that this opportunity was part of my destiny and I had to capitalize. That night and the next day were a blur. I am happy that I have great clients. They all adjusted to the changes that had occurred and my weekend had begun. I don’t know if I was nervous; I would say more so anxious because this was a big deal. Allison Hines; she is one of the biggest stars in the Caribbean, and I had been given this opportunity. I spent the night researching and preparing for the interview. This was an important step; before you do anything in life, you must first put in the work to properly prepare for it. These preparations paid off, and if you have the opportunity, check out the interview on MyTCNTV Network. It was a tremendous success, but it was only successful because I had prepared myself for what I had to do.

The success continued throughout the weekend; it extended into a successful surprise birthday party for Grant Browning the joint owner of Carib101 Media Corp, as well as a successful media night at the Hurricane Relief Concert with headliners Taurus Riley, and Allison Hines. Each event snapped me back into a place of humbleness; I realize that my years of consistency had paid off. Now, it is time to really work!

Thank you for your support Toronto! I want you to continue to work towards your success.

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