BY: TRISHA CURLING “Life wants to surprise, delight, and grow us in ways far beyond our imagination.” (Adele, Deborah The Yamas & Niyamas pg. 166). This...
BY: COLLEEN LINDBERG So, all of us have come to this earth with some key abilities in life. Some of us are great singers, golfers or...
BY: TRISHA CURLING When I decided that enough was enough and that I needed to get healthy again, it wasn’t just a need to get healthy...
BY: TRISHA CURLING Some of the best things that have happened to me since deciding to incorporate yoga into my life are actually the development of...
BY: COLLEEN LINDBERG So, it’s been documented that it takes anywhere from six to ten years, or an equivalent of 10,000 hours to master something. Have...
BY: TRISHA CURLING Where does our yoga practice really start? Is it finding the right teacher? style? studio? There are arguably many aspects we can choose...
BY MELISSA GOODMAN Yoga challenges have become very popular over the past few years and they continue to grow through the use of multimedia. Two of...
BY MELISSA GOODMAN It’s not uncommon to see the reception area of yoga studios filled with different assortments, colors, sizes and lengths of malas. They are...
BY EMILLIE CLOSS Beginning a yoga practice can be intimidating and it can be difficult to know where to start. There are so many varieties of...