Personal Development

The early bird gets the worm




After studying many successful people over the years common themes show up amongst them. Of course, there is drive and never giving up, but one of them is waking up early and owning the morning. Robin Sharma says Own the morning, own your life”. As I reflect and have done this in my life, I tend to agree but how changing this habit, for a lot of people (including myself) has been a tough one. When that alarm goes off for me, some mornings all I want to do is roll over and go back to sleep.

So, what keeps me motivated to align my morning? Over the years it’s changed, it used to be to prove a point, now it’s because my life is aligning and I really want to keep moving forward into the best version of me. So, let me give you a synopsis of what I do in the morning to get my day going.

First thing, I turn my alarm off and I think about three things I am grateful for, right out of the gate. Then I get up and feed the animals and let Athena (my dog) out to go to the bathroom. I then will get into my meditation chair or back into bed lying down (this one though sometimes kicks me back into sleep, so it depends on my energy level that day where I go) where I then meditate. Some days it’s 20 mins, others I might stay there for 45 mins, depending on how I feel.

After my meditation I then pick up my journal and write out some thoughts, I might review my affirmations and state those. I might write down my gratitude from that day. I allow flexibility in this time space for me to honor myself and my needs of the day. Then I will pick up a book I am reading and get at least 20 mins in to stimulate my brain and get me thinking of new things.

After that, it’s time for a workout. I will either go to the gym or do a workout at home. The minimum is 20 mins and I usually do a HIIT workout to get my body moving, blood pumping and a great sweat on. Then it’s that magical time to put the coffee on. Showering and getting ready come next. I will then eat breakfast, a shake or green smoothie and get to my desk. My most pivotal task for me being an entrepreneur is taking a look at my day and my to-do list and setting myself up to have a successful day. I know where I am headed, what I am getting done and making it happen. Then I get moving.

Your morning can be aligned in whatever fashion you want and that makes sense for you. The successful people of the world make sure to get a workout in, some form of mediation and self-connection and then learning. You could even make it a 20/20/20 fashion, so it’s one hour of work on you in the morning. Imagine how powerful your day will be if you get this in every day? Consistency and habits in life are key to our growth and development. The more you can do this you will find that you will be more productive. So, are you joining the morning club?

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