Personal Development

The magic of silence




Silence, something in my life that I never really understood up until a few months ago. Lately, in my world, I have been around a lot of people, have had a lot of stimulation, meaning computers, TV’s on around me at different client locations, music all over the place and lots of people talking. Over the last few months when I come home from work, I am drained but most of all I am technology drained. I feel like I am over stimulated. As I reflected on this, I began to realize the value of silence and connection in my life.

I am not sure about you, but this subject is not something that I would normally think about. I would wake up and go on with my day, maybe come home and watch a movie, a show on tv and then go to sleep. But now, I can’t even turn the TV on when I get home because I am technology done. Now I come home, and I pick up a book or I sit and close my eyes and breathe. When I do these things, I find that I am more connected to me. I can hear my thoughts and get clarity.

Breathing and taking the time to breathe are two very important things for us as humans. I feel that sometimes in my own life I don’t take the time consciously to do it more. Breathing is the connection we have with the energy flow of our bodies. When we are stressed out taking a few minutes to just breathe can reground us. When we are in pain, if we take the time to deep breathe, we can take the stabbing of the pain out of the situation. So, what can breathing on a daily basis do for us? It grounds us, it brings us back into connection with ourselves. Breathing allows us to just get centered, then if we do it in the quietness of a room in our home, it allows us to shed all the things that have happened throughout the day.

If you are not taking time in your day to be silent with yourself, meaning no cell phones, no computers, no TV, no music and I could go on of course. I urge you this week to try it. It doesn’t have to be for half an hour, but minutes even can help us regroup. If you are stressed out, in a challenging situation, before you make your next move, sit with yourself in a quiet room. Take 10 deep breaths with your eyes closed and then start to think about your next move. You will see that by taking this time you will be able to assess the situation better and find you will have more clarity in your direction.

Our world is this magical technology machine. We have everything we could ever want at our fingertips. This is such a blessing but also such a distraction. I urge you to keep connecting back to yourself while you do your day to day and just see how reframing your breath can shift your world.

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