A Better Tomorrow

The Power of Thought; Thinking Yourself into a Powerful 2019, Part I




Happy New Year Toronto!

I hope you don’t mind if I start this edition off with a little prayer. The power of the spoken word has been studied and has been proven to work. Speaking positive words over your year feels like a great place to start.

“Thank you for the opportunity to enter this New Year with our right minds and hearts. Although great things were accomplished last year, we speak power into 2019. Mistakes made will be learned from, and mistakes not yet made will be accepted as learning lessons. Our success is expected because we are willing to work towards our goals, and set our mind for success. WE thank the universe for opening up doors for us and closing the doors that we have stepped through. WE will continue to work towards the good of ourselves, and of the community.”

All right, let’s get started. First step; do away with your resolutions because if you had not started on them in 2018, you are most likely not going to carry through with them. Resolutions are a wonderful concept in theory, but reality shows what most of our resolutions are dissolved by the beginning of February. “Well, now what,” you might be asking? “How do I make positive changes for my future?” “How do I set the goals that I need in order to accomplish my success?” It all starts in the mind.

As you get older, it gets harder and harder to change aspects of yourself. Actually, after the age of 25, it is near impossible. Now, do realize that I said near impossible, not impossible. Majority of the changes that we make after the age of 25 are due to traumatic events. We really have to feel pain in order to make changes that we should have made years ago. Why is that? Well, the unfortunate answer is that is just how our brains work. The only true way to start moving forward is to realize that you might have been moving backward this whole time.

Not all of us were given the correct directions when we were younger, and due to that, we are walking through life lost as hell. We were all given a compass, but not many of us were taught how to use it, or if we were taught, we have been going the wrong direction. In saying that, at some point, you have to accept responsibility for your actions, and make the changes necessary in order to truly live the life you want to live. This will mean that you have to completely reset your mind (your compass), and start from where you are. This month, I am going to help you out with that by providing you with some thought-provoking ideas that will help to change your life. Now, this change has to be for you, not for your friends, family or spouse. The motivation has to be internal and not created from external pressures. You ready? Let’s begin.

The majority of my quotes are from a book that I came across about 12 years ago. A Thousand Paths to a Peaceful Life, by David Baird, has been a go-to book since it fell into my lap. It has allowed me to ask some tough questions and figure out the answers to my own self-destructive behavior. I will present one of the quotes with an explanation, and then you can join my next edition, where I will provide you with some more paths to a peaceful life.

“One hand washes the other.”

For all of those people who think that they can do this life thing alone, you are sorely mistaken. Humans need each other, and there is no way around it. Your first step for the New Year is to find the other hands that are willing to wash with you, learn with you, and create with you. Choose wisely, and trust your gut when choosing these people.

SPECIAL NOTE; these people may not be who you think they are, so remain open to all opportunities.

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