
The system is going through a transformation of death, rebirth and transformation



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Greetings star family!

I pray you are all doing well. We are in a new cycle, a new month filled with new opportunities for healing and growth. March was an intense month, with major shifts in the cosmos and here down below. On the global scale we have witnessed bank crashes, mass layoffs, and now we are hearing of shifts in the use of the American dollar.  As if we haven’t had enough uncertainty in the last few years, the uncertainty continues.  As scary as this all sounds, astrologically it is in alignment for what’s to come.

In February 2022, America experienced an astrological event, with its first Pluto Return transit of our lifetime. Planetary returns occur when a Planet returns to its same placement as it was located in at the time as a person is born, or a country is incepted. It takes Pluto approximately 240-244 years to travel though all the zodiac signs as it is the furthest away from us. Pluto is the planet of death, rebirth, transformation and power. It is an energy that deconstructs so we can reconstruct. He also rules the underworld, bringing to light things buried in the dark. Pluto entered the sign of Capricorn in 2008, the sign of America’s return. Capricorn is the sign of systems, institutions, structure and hard work.

When Pluto moved into Capricorn, we witnessed: the housing market crash, and transfer of power from America’s first black president over to Trump. During that time we saw: another rise in black bodies being murdered by law enforcement, mass protests, then lastly the pandemic.  Last year Pluto returned to the exact degree of where it was on July 4th, 1776.  This has intensified the deconstruction process. War was officially declared in Ukraine with America as a leading ally. Inflation began to skyrocket and unemployment was on the rise.

Pluto is now finishing his last lap in Capricorn, moving briefly to Aquarius on March 27th, to June 11th. This is a sneak peek into Pluto’s new placement for the next 20 years. Pluto in Aquarius is a transit that highlights power to the people, for the people, from the people. The next few months will be a very important observation time, as the themes that rise during this time, will set the tone for when Pluto officially moves into Aquarius in 2024 for the next 20 years.

The system is going through a transformation of death, rebirth and transformation.  We will continue to see power redistributed to the people, as it is becoming more evident that the collective does not share the same values that the system is pushing to uphold.  We will continue to see more job losses, economic upheaval, a transference of power, forcing us to take back our power while moving from a place of self-autonomy.

Aquarius is the humanitarian, collective knowledge bearer and innovator. Aquarius energy encourages us to wholeheartedly embrace and express our most authentic self. It is in our unique outlook, and mindset that we are able to contribute new solutions to collective issues, celebrating our diversity creates unity and solidarity.  Together we can create a new collective system of value, equity and self-autonomy. I implore you to begin to look within to reflect on where you have been giving away your personal power. Use these next three months to explore how you can express yourself wholeheartedly as you. Where are you people pleasing? Where are you playing too small in fear or rejection or failure?  it’s time to reclaim your power. As the collective climate continues to shift the only way out will be through the expression of your most authentic self. Your inherent purpose can never be taken from you that is your superpower.

The unknown is naturally filled with fear, but my friends, there is no need to be scared, when we can use our time & energy to get prepared.  We are literally standing in the moments of present day history.  Yes it can be unnerving to witness the deconstruction, but the beautiful part is we can be part of the reconstruction and create the world we would like to see for the generations and ourselves to come.

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