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This treaty could result in a centralized global power that erodes the sovereignty of individual countries



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There is nothing pleasant about what I am about to report; what is being done is happening covertly, swiftly, and if we do not take immediate action to oppose it, we may very soon find ourselves under the control of a centralized global authority that dictates our approach to public health.

This week, we wanted to provide you with an update on the latest developments of the Pandemic Treaty and the grave concerns it brings about to our individual freedoms.

As you may remember from our previous articles; the United Nations World Health Organization (WHO) is seeking new, far-reaching, and legally binding powers to supposedly “Improve the so-called prevention, preparedness and response” of future pandemics.

In February of 2023, Ashley Bloomfield, former Director-General of Health of New Zealand, who co-chairs the working group on updating the 2005 WHO International Health Regulations, concluded its latest round of discussions.

In his words,  “The efforts to update the International Health Regulations and draft a pandemic accord share a number of common themes, including the importance of equity in access to health, collaboration and capacity building. It is important that there is consistency and alignment across the two processes.

The ongoing pandemic has underscored the importance of countries working together collaboratively, and supporting WHO in its vital work, to make the world safer.”

Abdullah M. Assiri, Saudi Arabia’s Deputy Minister of Health and working group co-chair, said the 194-nation WHO membership is “In the driving seat” of the process of strengthening the current regulations.

So, what could this mean for us as global citizens? This could result in a centralized global power that erodes the sovereignty of individual countries.

The working group of WHO representatives have agreed on the next steps for more in-depth negotiations to approve the new Pandemic Treaty. Most frightening of all, is that WHO member states have agreed that the future pandemic treaty currently being negotiated will be a legally binding act of international law!

This would give the WHO increased powers to declare “potential” health emergencies, develop new global surveillance and data-sharing mechanisms, and counter “misinformation and disinformation” by declaring a global “official truth.”

Let us just remind you of the grave concerns we have for our global community. Remember our job is to make you think; not polarize you or inundate you with useless information. We are providing the information that looks a little different than what is being broadcast in newspapers across the city. Let’s take a closer look at what we could be in for:

Centralization of power
The treaty could lead to an unprecedented centralization of power in the hands of the World Health Organization (WHO), which could make decisions on public health without considering the unique situations and needs of individual countries. This centralization could undermine the autonomy of nations to make their own decisions regarding public health.

Legally binding
Unlike much of UN legislation, the Pandemic Treaty would be legally binding, which means that countries that ratify it would be obligated to comply with its provisions under international law. This could make it harder for nations to prioritize their citizens’ needs and make decisions that protect their freedoms.

Surveillance and data-sharing
The treaty might introduce new global surveillance and data-sharing mechanisms, which could potentially infringe upon individual privacy rights and lead to increased surveillance of citizens.

Control of information
The Pandemic Treaty could grant the WHO powers to counter “misinformation and disinformation,” which might result in the organization controlling the global narrative on public health matters. This could suppress alternative viewpoints and limit free speech.

Erosion of national sovereignty
By establishing a centralized global strategy to combat future epidemics, the Pandemic Treaty would erode the sovereignty of individual nations, limiting their ability to determine and manage their own approach to public health issues.

In light of the ongoing negotiations surrounding the Pandemic Treaty, it is vital to be aware of the upcoming events that will shape its future. A progress report is set to be delivered to the 76th World Health Assembly in 2023 this coming May 21st. – 30th, 2023, in Geneva, and this meeting could have far-reaching consequences. Their ultimate aim is to adopt the Pandemic Treaty by 2024!

I am thankful to organizations like CitizenG, who are committed to standing at the forefront of this critical issue and will do everything in their power to remain vigilant, because they know how critical this issue is and the dangers it brings.

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