
Top five must have vitamins for weight loss




Since the pandemic I have gotten into the habit of taking vitamins that will assist me with weight loss. Some people think you can just take your protein shakes, supplements and think that vitamins won’t assist you. My dear, you need vitamins for your body.

Magnesium: Magnesium is one of the top vitamins that helps to break down your digestive system. How you take it matters. According to my research, magnesium may be helpful for regulating blood sugar and insulin levels in people who are overweight or obese.

A 2013 study found that taking higher amounts of magnesium helps better control insulin and glucose blood levels. Magnesium supplements might be helpful for reducing unpleasant menstrual symptoms in women because of its ability to reduce bloating and water retention (5 Vitamins and Minerals to Boost Your Metabolism and Promote Weight Loss, 2020).

Magnesium is an important mineral that your body needs in order to function. It helps you do a variety of important things including produce energy, regulate blood sugar, and cause necessary chemical reactions in the body. Magnesium helps your body conduct nerve impulses, muscle contraction, and normal heart rhythm by playing a role in the transport of calcium and potassium. Your heart, muscles, and kidneys all need magnesium to work properly. The mineral also helps build teeth and bones (5 Vitamins and Minerals to Boost Your Metabolism and Promote Weight Loss, 2020).

Iron: The body needs iron for healthy growth, development, and metabolism. Iron is also vital for correct cell functioning and the creation of some hormones. Iron is essential for carrying oxygen in red blood cells. The red blood cells carry oxygen to and from muscles and tissues in the body. If a person has low iron levels, they may not send enough oxygen to their muscles. Muscles that are low in oxygen cannot burn fat for fuel as well as they should. Low iron also interferes with optimum metabolism in the body (Vitamins and Minerals That Boost Metabolism, 2018).

Vitamin B: The B vitamins play many essential roles in energy metabolism in the body. The B vitamins include:

  • B-12
  • Biotin
  • Folate
  • B-6
  • Pantothenic acid or B-5
  • Niacin or B-3
  • Riboflavin or B-2
  • Thiamine or B-1

Deficiency in one of the B vitamins can affect other B vitamins, which can disrupt a person’s metabolism.

The ability to process fats, proteins, and carbohydrates is essential. A healthy metabolism ensures that the body uses these nutrients for energy rather than storing them as fat.

People must regularly eat foods that contain B vitamins to meet their daily needs (Vitamins and Minerals That Boost Metabolism, 2018).

Vitamins D: Vitamin D is critical to a healthy system. Your body can get all the vitamin D it needs courtesy of the sun. Yet, most people today spend too much time indoors, or they live in climates where the sun doesn’t always shine.

Getting enough vitamin D from food is difficult, so supplements are often recommended. A 2011 study found that overweight and obese adults taking calcium and vitamin D supplements lost significantly more stomach fat than people not taking any supplements.

Food sources: While the sun is the best source of vitamin D, you can also get this vitamin from food, especially fortified foods (Vitamins and Minerals That Boost Metabolism, 2018).

So, now that you know better, do better. Stock up on vitamins, and watch the pounds drop off.

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