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Transformative impact and implications that were brought onto the Christian Faith by the Global Pandemic




The onset of the COVID-19 pandemic has left an indelible mark on all facets of our modern landscape. In many ways, it has revolutionized our lives: socially, financially, mentally, emotionally, psychologically, and spiritually. It has been particularly challenging for faith communities, which for the first time in the twenty-first century, had to deal with issues that created: moral, ethical, and spiritual consequences.

Into this foray has come an important book titled, “Faith Amidst the COVID-19 Crisis: The Effect of the Pandemics on the Church and Christian Faith,” written by Claudette E. Miller. This book, released on July 17th, 2023, tackles some of the significant spiritual issues raised by one of the worst pandemics of the modern era.

Ms. Miller is a trained Minister who has spent several years working in various aspects of Christian ministry. She was born in Jamaica and grew up in the New Testament Church of God, where she was affectionately called “The Little Evangelist.” Her website: provides insights about her.

She is presently pursuing a Doctor of Divinity at Canada Christian College and School of Graduate Theological Studies (CCCSGTS), having completed a Master of Divinity in 2021. Following a thought-provoking moment, Claudette decided to embrace her destiny to pursue a new vocation described in her TEDx Talk, “Destiny: Navigating between Career and Calling|Claudette Miller,” available on YouTube.

The book, “Faith Amidst the COVID-19 Crisis,” was an offshoot of her graduate work at CCCSGTS. The thesis topic for her master’s work was, “The Effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the Church and the Response of the Church to the Pandemic.” It was largely due to the encouragement of one of her professors at CCCSGTS that she was encouraged to write this: informational, educational, and inspirational book. I did a Google search to find out if there is any book that examines the conflagrating issues of COVID-19 and the faith communities but did not find any. Ms. Miller’s book is a positive addition to the ongoing conversations, dialogues, discussions, and debates that will persist in the 21st century impacted by COVID-19.

Faith Amidst the COVID-19 Crisis analyzes the way in which Christian communities have responded to past pandemics, the transition they made to online platforms, and the future implications of this pattern. A quantitative research methodology was utilized to uncover detailed and factual information about how different denominations were coping with this pandemic. A comparison and contrast were made between meetings in person and virtually. The book shows that while there are benefits to online meetings, there are more significant advantages to face-to-face interactions. The book shows that in our social media and technologically saturated world, there will be an inevitable mixing of both formats of church gatherings. This book is a vital resource to bring reflections and understanding to ensure that Christian communities stay relevant in the modern world.

In a promotion of the book on the Christian radio station JOY 1250, the host lists many aspects of the book. He notes it as “A riveting journey to finding the truth, a book that forces you to make self-assessments and pages that will define a generation. Faith Amidst the COVID-19 Crisis by Claudette E. Miller will unveil the transformative impact and implications that were brought on to the faith by the global pandemic and explore the church’s place in the post-pandemic world and how governmental involvement plays a part in that.”

The book is available for purchase through and, or from the website:

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