Your Health

Understanding the pain of Fibromyalgia




Fibromyalgia is something of a mystery. It can’t be detected with scans or blood tests, yet it causes lifelong pain for millions of people.

The disease mainly affects women (about 75%-90% of cases), causing pain all over the body. Because not all healthcare professionals are adept at identifying and diagnosing fibromyalgia, reported rates of the condition vary greatly from country to country. In China, it affects only 0.8% of people, in France around 1.5%, in Canada 3.3%, and in Turkey 8.8%. Estimates in the US range from 2.2% to 6.4%, and in Russia, about 2% of the population is affected.

People with the condition are often diagnosed if they have longstanding muscle pain, bone or joint pain and fatigue. Fibromyalgia can also cause insomnia, “brain fog”, some symptoms of depression or anxiety, as well as a range of other complaints, including irritable bowel syndrome and headache. Many patients are also hypermobile (“double-jointed”) and there is some overlap with chronic fatigue syndrome.

Guidelines from the American College of Rheumatology make it clear that the diagnosis should be made using defined criteria based on the “widespread pain index” (which scores the number of painful regions out of 19 coupled with a symptom severity scale. The diagnosis also takes fatigue, generalized pain, unrefreshing sleep, and cognitive symptoms into account.

Treatment from a chiropractor or physiotherapist can bring about tremendous relief of fibromyalgia symptoms. A multidisciplinary rehabilitation clinic where a chiropractor works in tandem with physiotherapists, kinesiologists, and massage therapists can provide the patient with comfort and relief and can reduce the need for pharmacological intervention in the quest for comfort, function, and relief of pain.

The chiropractic approach offers a drug-free method of reducing the pain of fibromyalgia and increasing the patient’s ability to function.  A build-up of physical, chemical and emotional stresses increases stress hormone levels in the body, leading to inflammation and spinal misalignments (subluxations) that reduce nerve flow through the spine. This can lead to pain and reduced organ function. Chiropractic treatment known as an adjustment is a gentle and effective means of restoring spinal function, reducing stress hormone levels and improving nerve flow.

Many fibromyalgia patients have reported a significant decrease in pain after receiving chiropractic adjustments, including improved quality of sleep and increased energy levels. Leg cramps, neck and back pain are a common feature of fibromyalgia and respond well to spinal adjustments.

A chiropractor may also recommend physiotherapy in combination with chiropractic care. Complex neurological and musculoskeletal disorders like fibromyalgia are best served by multi-disciplinary treatment facilities where treatment providers with varied specialties work together to deliver optimum care for your specific set of challenges.  A physiotherapist can provide the patient with assistance on pain management, build strength and improve range of motion and stamina. Physiotherapy can help relieve deep muscle pain and can help minimize or prevent recurrence of flare-ups.  A physiotherapist may use modalities such as: ice, heat, deep tissue massage, ultrasound, TENS therapy, and exercise prescriptions.

When a chiropractor and a physiotherapist work together, they are both able to create and offer the patient a personalized, balanced and optimized treatment plan. They will track your progress and give you the tools you need to cope with fibromyalgia on an ongoing basis. You will also be provided with knowledge and instruction on how to manage your symptoms at home, work and at leisure. This will include nutritional supplement and diet counseling in addition to lifestyle modifications.

While fibromyalgia tends to carry a disparaging stigma, help is available, and the condition can be managed.

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