Community News

‘Unity Through History:’ Citizens for the Advancement of Community Development’s Black History Celebration



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“As I sat there and explored the pages of her life, the documentary unraveled the story of a woman; a tapestry woven with resilience, passion, and an unwavering commitment to her people and community. Her story is a testament to the strength and beauty of the Caribbean spirit.”

“Her journey wasn’t without challenges, yet she faced adversity with grace and determination. From her humble beginnings to becoming a beacon of hope, she embodied the essence of a Caribbean queen.”

“The screen fades to black, leaving me with a newfound appreciation for the remarkable life and legacy of the Honourable Jean Augustine.”

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm, amber glow, I was on my way to my last Black History Month event for 2024.  On Wednesday, February 28th, 2024, the Toronto Caribbean Newspaper was invited by the Citizens for the Advancement of Community Development (CACD) to their annual Black History Month Celebration. This year it was held at Cawthra Park Secondary School Auditorium, 1305 Cawthra Rd. Mississauga ON.

Citizens for the Advancement of Community Development is a registered charitable organization that ensures consistent and ongoing: community-based learning, social inclusion, safe and healthy communities with a strong focus on high priority neighbourhoods. Executive Director of CACD, Mr. Ron Cunningham, has a vision; it is to: empower youth in the community, develop their potential, help them live healthy lives, become safer, self-reliant, spiritual and active citizens and leaders.

Mr. Cunningham took some time out to speak with me, and in our discussion, he shared the importance of this year’s celebration.

This event promises to be a can’t-miss opportunity to come together and honour the rich heritage and invaluable contributions of Black Canadians. Our theme, ‘Unity Through History’: CACD’s Black History Celebration, highlights the importance of understanding and commemorating Black history to foster unity and appreciation within our community. This theme underscores the importance of recognizing shared experiences and promoting understanding and empathy across all members of society, regardless of race or ethnicity.”

“With the support of our key sponsors, Community Support, Multiculturalism, and Anti-racism Initiative (CSMARI), and the City of Mississauga, we are excited to create an enlightening and engaging experience for all attendees.”

By the time I arrived, the celebration had already unfolded with a vibrant tapestry of culture and heritage. The air was filled with the rhythmic beats of the steelpan (Legends of Pan) creating an atmosphere that resonated with the richness of African-Caribbean history. The hallway was beautifully laid out with projects and artwork from students from various schools and community groups each paying tribute to influential Black individuals.

I made my way into the auditorium, giddy because I knew what my next experience was going to be. We were set to watch an inspiring documentary about the journey of the Honourable Dr. Jean Augustine, followed by a Q&A session.

As the narrative unfolded, it became apparent that Dr. Jean Augustine’s life and achievements transcended mere personal success; they symbolized a beacon of hope and resilience for an entire community.

In a world filled with extraordinary stories, there are some that shine brighter than the rest. Her impact transcends time and boundaries. The documentary captured the essence of her: struggles, triumphs, and unyielding determination, painting a vivid portrait of a trailblazer who shattered barriers and paved the way for countless others.

The emotions stirred inside me while witnessing her journey ranged from awe at her accomplishments to a deep sense of gratitude for the impact she has had on the trajectory of women, particularly those of colour, in Canada. Dr. Jean Augustine’s legacy is not only one of individual achievement, but also a testament to the enduring power of: resilience, activism, and the indomitable spirit that is reshaping the narrative for generations to come.

After a riveting question and answer period with Dr. Augustine, she had to depart for another event, and it was perfect timing for networking, refreshments and engaging in meaningful conversations with other attendees.

As the evening progressed, unity and pride radiated from the crowd, fostering a sense of connection and understanding.  The evening celebration was hosted by Mr. Chris Hayles, and Mr. Ron Cunningham. Greetings were delivered by the Honourable Greg Fergus in a video message, and other community leaders also showed their support by speaking to the importance of the work being done by CACD.

Families and friends gathered in the auditorium eager to participate in the various activities that paid homage to the: struggles, triumphs, and contributions of the Black community. From captivating speeches to dynamic dance performances that celebrated the diversity of African dance styles, the evening was a kaleidoscope of: colours, sounds, and emotions.

The CACD Black History Month celebration was a testament to the power of celebration and education. It created lasting memories and fosters a deeper appreciation for the cultural tapestry that makes the African Caribbean community truly unique.

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